We all share a common goal to help this Free Company grow and be successful. Below are the rules to help guide you. Officers must follow the same rules & regulations of the Free Company. These have been provided below, in an easy to read format. All members are welcome. We need to support them, and expect the best out of them. When we give up on members, we lose the focus of what this Free Company was built for. Everyone deserves a chance to have fun and be successful! For more information regarding Officer Specific Duties and how Officers will be promoted, demoted, and evaluated see the agreements listed at the bottom.
No Drama allowed.
If conversations are getting out of hand, members will need to stop conversation.
Any discussions that are racist or offensive are not allowed, and must stop immediately.
If members are arguing, they will need to stop arguing in Free Company chat, and take it to private messages.
If members do not stop the conversation/arguing in Free Company chat, an Officer should intervene.
This may consist of a warning, private conversation, or in extreme cases, removing the offender from the Free Company.
If members are disrespectful, or causing troubles in Discord, provide a warning. Pull the offender into a channel to discuss the situation in private. If they don't listen after numerous attempts, kick them from Discord.
All Gβs are Created Equal:
If officers bash other Gβs for being lesser Gβ Free Company than they may be asked to step down.
If members bash other Gβs for being less FCβs they will be asked to stop. If they do not stop, we will start the warning process mentioned below.
Be Respectful to Members & Officers. This means a zero tolerance policy for racial slurs and derogatory comments towards gender identity in our In Game FC Chat and our Discord Text Channels, this includes memes.
Depending on the severity of the violation, this could result in a warning or immediate kick from the FC and Discord server.
Banning Members & Blacklist.
If people are banned from Discord, the person who issues the ban must put their "in-game" name and the reason they are being banned in Discord in the βreason for banβ.
If a member is kicked from our Free Company, they are added to the correct blacklist (depending on the FC) with their lodestone ID link and the reason why they are banned.
Officer Chat Stays in Officer Chat.
No quoting or sharing information from the Officer Linkshell in Free Company chat, personal Linkshells, or other forms of communication.
Depending on the severity of the violation, this could result in a warning or immediate kick from the FC and Discord server.
No Blacklisting Members in Game & Muting Members in Discord.
Members in the Free Company are not to be put on Officer's Blacklist in FFXIV, or muted in Discord. Officers need to be able to intervene at any time if needed.
Giving Officer Warnings:
If Officers are unable to follow their duties, they will receive an official warning. We will keep tabs in a separate XO chat channel.
Officers will be demoted if they receive 3 active warnings. Their demotion rank will depend on the severity of the warnings.
Do not go Rogue.
Do not make changes to rules on your own. All rule changes are discussed at Officer meetings.
Do not make a separate discord server or linkshell for the FC to use.
Any of these offenses will be an immediate demotion to a member rank or even removal from the FC depending on the severity.
Officer Meetings:
Officer meetings are not mandatory but encouraged due to changing rules and updates in the Free Company.
Officers who have real life events or are otherwise busy are excused from attending. If you plan to be absent from the meeting, please let someone know.
Officer Meetings will take place in Discord. We have a voice channel for officer meetings in the officer section of our discord server.
Do not interfere with other Free Companies outside of the G Alliance.
We will not relay messages for other Free Companies, nor will we involve ourselves in their drama. This is regarding free companies outside of G'.
Our goal is to not cause more issues, so let them negotiate their problems themselves. What they choose to do in their Free Companies is not our business. This is regarding free companies outside of G'.
Use of Macros:
Please relay FC Events at the appropriate times they are advertised so all members have a chance to join the event. All official events in the FC are cross-world for our entire Gβ Alliance can participate.
All officers are required to use macros to help advertise the official events. Macros include monthly parties, monthly events, weekly events, advertising for new officers, etc.
How to Handle Officers Who are On Leave, MIA, or Returning:
Officers who go Missing in Action (MIA).
If an officer is MIA for 14 days (i.e. not letting someone know they will be gone), they will be contacted (via discord) demoted from the officer rank and potentially purged from the FC.
We have a website and Discord server as ways to communicate with the Free Company.
Officers who go On Leave Status.
If an officer requests to be put on leave and returns within 30 days they may return to their previous rank as long as there is an opening for them to return to.
If an officer requests to be put on leave and they are gone for over 30 days then they will be demoted from the officer corps.
Upholding Officer Responsibilities.
Players may be demoted if they are deemed unable to uphold all their responsibilities.
Filing a Formal Complaint:
Depending on the situation, officers lwill NOT be able to provide assistance without any proof. Examples of proof are screenshots and text logs.
If an incident happens in game or on discord we would like a photo of the incident (text log) so that we can address the issue. Please provide the entire conversation so we have context instead of the one sentence that is bothersome.
Please submit all photo evidence to an XO or Nimbus Tupti on Discord.
If you have a problem with an officer, please send the complaint to either an XO or Nimbus Tupti on discord or you can submit a complaint on this website.
This also applies to members suspected of being bots or gil sellers!
Documented strikes must be posted in the appropriate Discord channel (ie. Geuno Strike Log, Luca Strike Log, etc).
Do NOT Ditch Events! Do not leave in the middle of an event. We understand if it is an emergency.
If this happens multiple times and is becoming a trend you may be blacklisted from participating in weekly events.
If you are Blacklisted you will be notified and your name will be placed on the blacklist under the event section.
Repeated offenses can also result in a Demotion.
The Warning System:
Repeated offenses will result in a Verbal/Written Warning. We will be clear that you have received your (1st, 2nd, or 3rd) warning whether it be a message in game or a written message in our discord server.
Members who cause constant issues, toe-the-line, or are banned from our community will not be welcome back to the in-game FC in FFXIV or to our discord server.
The warning system only pertains to members, so if you are a guest in our discord server causing issues, you may be instantly banned from our community.
Warning #1:
The first warning will result in the cabinet/moogle mud butt/naughty list rank only if the offender is breaking our chest rules. If you are in the cabinet/moogle mud butt/naughty rank for breaking the chest rules, then you will be in that rank indefinitely until you have acknowledged that you broke that rule in a DM to one of the upper officers who try to contact you.
Otherwise, the first warning would not be a change of rank for the offender.
Warning #2
This will result in being placed in the cabinet rank for 1 week.
Warning #3
This will result in being banned from the Free Company in Game and our Discord server.
Protocol for Promotions ο»Ώ
Member to Trial Officer -
Players will be required to read the rules. Then apply online on this website from the drop down menu at the top under βOfficer Portalβ.
Members can apply to be an officer from day 1 of joining the FC, although be aware that they may not be promoted that day either.
We will discuss with the AOs and above if they feel like you would be a good fit in the officer corps.
Trial Officer to Officer -
Trial Officers must have spent at least two weeks as a trial officer to be eligible for promotion to officer.
Remember we will take your activity and how well you have been performing your current assigned officer job into account.
We will do an alliance wide voting and evaluate how each person does individually during their trial period.
Officer to Trial Auxiliary Officer -
Players must have been an officer for at least 1 week to be considered for a Promotion and in good standing with the FC. Remember we will take your activity and how well you have been performing your current assigned officer job into account.
We will discuss these applications with the OOβs of the particular FC you are applying for.
Trial Auxiliary Officer to Auxiliary Officer -
Players must have been a Trial Auxiliary Officer for at least 2 weeks to be considered for a promotion to Auxillary Officer.
Remember we will take your activity and how well you have been performing your current assigned officer job into account.
We will do an alliance wide voting and evaluate how each person does individually during their trial period.
Auxiliary Officer to Operations Officer -
Players must have been an AO for at least 2 months to be considered for a promotion to Operations Officer.
Remember we will take your activity and how well you have been performing your current assigned officer job into account.
Operations Officer to Trial Executive Officer -
Players must have been an OO for at least 2 months to be considered for a promotion to TXO.
Players must already be trying to branch out to help. This means that we would like to be working with an XO in 2 branches first before applying. This is so you know what the job entails prior to your promotion.
Trial Executive Officer to Executive Officer -
This will be decided by the XOβs via voting. We will need a unanimous vote to vote a TXO to XO.
The trial period may take 3-6 months depending on how the Trial XO is doing.
G Lottery:
G Lottery will be held every 2 Weeks depending on prize and occasion in discord #giveaways-and-lotto channel. Refer to discord and www.geuno.com/raffle for more information.
Listen to the XOβs:
The XOβs will help keep people up to date on any changes in the FC and day to day activities.
We ask that all officers go to their XO or an XO in the FC if they have any questions or concerns.
If you have an issue with an XO you can always go to Nimbus.
Rules of the FC Chest:
Krakka Root: Only take one stack of Krakka Root at a time from the chest per day. We have Krakka Root in stacks of 5 for FC members, so please do not abuse this.
If members abuse this, then an OO/XO will need to put the person on the naughty list / moogle mud butt rank / or the cabinet rank (depending on the FC) and talk to the member about the FC rules. Leave the member on this rank until they acknowledge that they will not break these rules in the future.
Stacks of Food: Only take one stack of Food at a time from the chest per day.
If members abuse this, then an OO/XO will need to put the person on the naughty list / moogle mud butt rank / or the cabinet rank (depending on the FC) and talk to the member about the FC rules. Leave the member on this rank until they acknowledge that they will not break these rules in the future.
Do Not Sell For Personal Gain: Do not take things to sell on the market board.
Consequences faced for breaking this rule range from a verbal warning to permanent removal of rights from the FC Chest or dismissal from the FC.
Airship Materials: Airship Materials are located in tabs 2 & 3 of the Company Chest. Do not steal FC materials that are used for the workshop or from Airship Ventures.
Depending on the offense, this could be grounds for termination.
The FC Chest is not your trashcan.
Accidentally Placed All Gil in the Chest:
Please be careful to ensure that you do NOT place your gil into the chest that you are not wanting to donate to the FC because it likely will not be reimbursed.
Shards, Crystals, & Clusters:
We would like to keep a max of 6000 Shards and Crystals in the FC Chest's at all times.
These are for our crafter's to use when helping with FC projects.
Our CFO (Chief Financial Officer) will sell crystals, shards, or clusters if we have excess in the chest, or the CFO/XO may move them to another Gβ FC that needs them.
Chocobo Dyes:
These are given to our members for free when requested.
We offer 1 scheme (color) monthly based on availability.
Selling Items in the Chest:
All items that are to be sold go to tab 5 and our CFO (Chief Financial Officer) will sell them items and place the gil back into the FC Chest.
The CFO is responsible to document all of these transactions with photo proof in the officer channels in discord.
If the CFO is unavailable for an excess amount of time, the XOβs may take that position temporarily.
Daily allowance for items in the FC Chest:
Members are allowed to take 1 Stack of Krakka Root, 1 Stack of Curiel, 1 Stack of Gysahl Greens, 1 Stack of Dyes, and 1 Stack of Battle or Crafting Food per day for their daily allowance.
If members abuse this, then an OO/XO will need to put the person on the naughty list / moogle mud butt rank / or the cabinet rank (depending on the FC) and talk to the member about the FC rules. Leave the member on this rank until they acknowledge that they will not break these rules in the future.
Mandatory Requirement for Officers:
Discord is required to be an officer for communication purposes. If an officer leaves discord than they are automatically demoted back to a member rank.
Membership of our Officer LS on the individual server (Levi, Famfrit, Ultros, etc.) and the Cross World LS (CWLS) for officers are both required to be an officer. If an officer leaves the LS/CWLS (not for rearranging purposes) than they are automatically demoted back to member.
Automatic Ban from the FC for Officers:
Any officer who leaves on bad terms from the FC is not welcome back (This includes starting drama in FC Chat prior to leaving or being removed, starting drama in discord prior to leaving or being removed, leaving during a mass exodus, etc.).
Do NOT buy items with your own gil:
All items bought with personal gil will be considered a donation to the FC (we do appreciate this).
Items that are bought for projects will not be reimbursed.
Both Nimbus Tupti and the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) have access to the Gβ Alliance Gil and can buy items to help with FC projects or day to day needs. We prefer our crafting and gathering officers help gather or craft these items but we are able to purchase items if needed.
These are the Trial Officer, Officer, Auxiliary, Operations and Executive Officer Agreements. All members of the Officer Core agree to listed agreements when becoming an member of the Officer Core. Listed you will find all information on the specific Officer Ranks including Promotions, Demotions, Specific Jobs, and more in detail.
1. Introduction
Thanks for choosing G' (βG'", Geunoβ, "Luca", βweβ, βusβ, βourβ). By agreeing to become a trial officer you are entering into a binding agreement with the G' entity.
Your agreement with us includes these Terms and Conditions of Use (βTermsβ). (The Terms, Privacy Policy, and any additional terms that you agree to, as discussed in the Entire Agreement section, are referred to together as the βAgreementsβ.) If you wish to review the terms of the Agreements, the effective version of the Agreements can be found on Geunoβs website. You acknowledge that you have read and understood the Agreements, accept these Agreements, and agree to be bound by them. If you donβt agree with (or cannot comply with) the Agreements, then you will not be granted a position in G's Officer Core.
Please read the Agreements carefully. They cover important information about Geuno. The Agreements include information about the Changes to the Agreements, Officer Position, Promotions, Demotions, Regulations, Requirements, and more.
2. Changes to the Agreements
Occasionally we may, in our discretion, make changes to the Agreements. When we make material changes to the Agreements, weβll provide you with prominent notice as appropriate under the circumstances, e.g., by displaying a prominent notice within the Service or by posting in Discord for our officers to view. In some cases, we will notify you in advance, and your continued use of the Service after the changes have been made will constitute your acceptance of the changes. Please therefore make sure you read any such notice carefully. If you do not wish to continue with being a member of the G' Officer core under the new version of the Agreements, you may terminate the Agreements by contacting us through our website, on Discord application, or in Final Fantasy XIV.
3. Rights We Grant You
The G Services and the Content are the property of G. We grant you a limited, revocable licence to make use of the G' Service, and a limited, non-exclusive, revocable licence to make personal, non-commercial, entertainment use of the Content (the βLicenceβ). This Licence shall remain in effect until and unless terminated by you or G'. You promise and agree that you will abide by the Regulations on the Geuno Website and the terms outlined in this agreement.
You agree to abide by our User guidelines and not to use the G' Officer Service, the Content, or any part thereof in any manner not expressly permitted by the Agreements. Except for the rights expressly granted to you in these Agreements as an officer.
Third party software (Discord Access, Google Docs Access) included in the G' Service are licensed to you either under the Agreements as published in the this section of our our website.
4. Third Party Applications
The G' Service is integrated with third party applications, websites, and services (βThird Party Applicationsβ) to make available content, products, and/or services to you. These Third Party Applications may have their own terms and conditions of use and privacy policies and your use of these Third Party Applications will be governed by and subject to such terms and conditions and privacy policies. You understand and agree that G' does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for the behavior, features, or content of any Third Party Application or for any transaction you may enter into with the provider of any such Third Party Applications.
5. User Generated Content
You promise that, with respect to any User Content you post on in G' Alliance Chat or any Third Party Agreements, (1) you have the right to post such User Content. G' may, but has no obligation to, monitor, review, or edit User Content. In all cases, G' reserves the right to remove or disable access to any User Content for any or no reason, including but not limited to, User Content that, in Gβs sole discretion, violates the Agreements. G' may take these actions without prior notification to you. Removal or disabling of access to User Content shall be at our sole discretion, and we do not promise to remove or disable access to any specific User Content.
You are solely responsible for all User Content that you post. You agree that if anyone brings a claim against G' related to user content that you post, then, you may be held accountable.