Features of our FC Chest

This is where we share items, food, krakka, etc. with the active members. Please be considerate when using the community chest. Usually food and items are grouped into clumps of 3-5. If you see a row of 5 krakka carrots lined up, do not up and take the whole row, instead take a set at a time. This is to make sure we have enough for other members throughout the day. The officers will do their best to keep food and chocobo feed stocked daily. (Tabs may differ slightly by FC server)


βœ… THAVNAIRIAN ONIONS - As of 03/07/2020 Thav onions will be 80,000 gil. Due to the rarity of these Chocobo loved veggies, the current buying limit from the FC is max 3.

βœ… All FC members with the status β€˜Member’ and above are able to access, add and remove from this Tab 1. (Please be considerate when taking items!)

1 - Krakka Root and Gysahl Greens provided by the FC for members to use for their Chocobo.

2 - Donated items for members to use. (Please do not take just to sell on the market board)

3 - Meals and food items for members to use.

βœ… Only β€˜Officer’ and above have access to remove items. All members have access to add items. They cannot remove items.

- Stock of Krakka Roots, Ghysal Greens, Player Meals and other food items for members to use in Tab 1

βœ… Only β€˜Officer’ and above have access to remove items.

- Stock of soils, seeds, Buff Wheels, Thavnairian Onions, and Chocobo Dyes

βœ… CHOCOBO DYES - Interested in dying your feathery friends? We offer 1 scheme monthly based on availability of the items.

βœ… THAVNAIRIAN ONIONS - As of 03/07/2020 Thav onions will be 100k. Due to the rarity of these Chocobo loved veggies, the current buying limit from the FC is max 3.

βœ… Only β€˜Auxiliary Officer’ and above have access to remove items.

- Materials for Airship/Submarine workings for FC projects and what they bring back from the voyages

- Prizes for Events

βœ… Only β€˜Operations Officer’ and above have access to remove items.

- Stock of crafting supplies that will be used for FC projects, Also used as overflow.

Crystal/Gil TAB
βœ… Only β€˜Senior Officer’ and above have access to remove items. All members have access to add items.

- Crystals and Gil used for crafting in FC projects and/or special events. The Gil is not for personal borrowing.

🚩 Officers may ask Senior and above to use crystals if needed when crafting FC project items.

🚩Gil is only accessable by FC Master. (Ask the FC Masters permission first if you want to use FC funds for an event.)