Free Company Ranks

Below is a list of the ranks in our Free Company. The way we rank people up is by FC participation. Participation can come from joining a raid group, being social in FC chat, joining our TeamSpeak server, participating in ranking up the airships, and helping out. It is possible for new players to rank up. The list below displays ranks from highest to lowest.

These ranks are all based on activity, caring, and working with other individuals to help advance us all as a Free Company. You don’t need anything to advance, and we ask that you do not donate gil or anything unless you really want to. You are not obligated to do any of that for advancement. Just be cool and chill with everyone, and you’ll fit in just fine.

Please also check out our Rules and Regulations page and our Officer Duties page for some more information about some of our ranks and what we expect for each rank.


This rank belongs to Nimbus Tupti. She is the Free Company leader and founder. Final decision on actions belong to her, although she will take all input into consideration.


This rank belongs to some of the Free Company’s highest ranking individuals, generally as Nimbus' trusted advisors. If a matter needs be addressed at their level, they will make 100% contact with all leaders to ensure all voices are heard. Leaders help determine who will be promoted to the Leader and Senior Officer ranks. Additionally, leaders will ensure all officers are performing well. Leaders are responsible for Senior Officer Duties and delegating jobs to Senior Officers, Officers, and Trial Officers.


This rank is for Officers who are interested in rising to be a Leader. We created the Trial Leader position to help guide these officers so they can be successful when they become a Leader. We have specific goals we want our Trial Leaders to do in order to be promoted. They will have 30-60 days to prove themselves or decide this position is not for them. Please see the Trial Leader Agreement for more information.


This rank is there to help act as administrators and advisors to the leaders and master. They are responsible for purging the FC to keep the roster clean , purchasing of FC buffs (and keeping them stocked), managing the Aetherial Wheel buffs, and ensuring the Officer core is making sound decisions and resolving any problems that may occur, or voicing the concerns to the Leaders. They will also ensure the workshop is working on projects needed and securing the proper resources.


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This rank is primarily to help members of the Free Company with day to day to issues. Officers are required to choose one specific job that will help the free company flourish while also helping the members of the FC. They will also be primarily responsible for regulating and monitoring FC resources, and keeping the FC chat clean and in a friendly environment. They are responsible to keep a positive atmosphere, and to address any concerns from our FC members.


This rank is for members who wish to take an active role in the FC. We are actively recruiting members to this rank. This rank is for people who are aspiring to potentially become officers or even leaders. Trial officers are encouraged to choose a Officer Specific job to help the FC and prove their dedication.


Senior members are those who have played an active role in the Free Company and are by all purposes, the Core of Geuno. These members have been around for a while and are very helpful, knowledgeable, and give the FC its spirit. They also have access to take our airships to Diadem when they wish and the ability to accept new player applications to the FC.


Gardeners are members who have been given the ability to farm in the estate based on the discretion of the FC Master and Leaders. Due to limited gardening space there are only a limited number of gardeners that we may have at any one time. If you wish to join this rank, speak with Nimbus or a Leader to find the rules and regulations regarding Eorzean Residential Farming.


This is our rank for the basic Free Company companion. You’ve been here long enough to make an impact and we’ve noticed it, and brought you up to a full-fledged G’. We will periodically go through the list to promote Recruits up to this rank when we notice that they may have been here for a while, or are particularly active with members of the FC.


If this is your rank, welcome to the Free Company! This is the base rank for new individuals who have recently joined the Free Company, or are very new to the game. They have access to basic rights such as stables, inviting to the FC, FC bank access, and are able to contribute and progress projects at the workshop. To move out of this rank into a member, sprouts must be gone and have been a member of the FC for around two weeks. Additionally, we expect to start seeing some involvement and chat, so that people get the chance to know you.


We do want to keep this an active Free Company, so if you know that you will be gone for an extended length of time, speak with an officer or Nimbus, and you will be moved to this rank. This is basically your free pass to say that you’ll be gone, but will return in a heroic entrance in some future setting.


If you're rank is marked with Purge List (PL), chances are you probably were gone for a long period of time and almost removed for inactivity. If you're returning, check in with a Sr. Officer or Leader to be returned to your previous rank.


If you get stuck here, you done went and did something real stupid. This is virtually never used except when someone makes a big fiasco that can hurt people in the FC. This rank is to offer you a chance to redeem yourself and prove that you aren’t that bad. Being on probation means you do not have access to any FC benefits, until the leaders see a turn around in performance.


Things may have changed since this page was last updated on 8/12/2018.