Welcome to G'
The Original Cross Server Alliance!
We are a large community alliance made up of multiple different Free Companies on multiple servers in the Primal Data center. Currently our most updated FCβs are on the Leviathan, Famfrit, Ultros, Behemoth, Lamia, Exodus, Excalibur, and Hyperion Servers of Final Fantasy XIV.
Final Fantasy XIV Branches
Click on the screenshot below to visit their respective FC pages!


Will Barrett
In Discord
Its Fullfilling to help out our FC and contribute to the community! I love to advertise Brontomes events because they are the greatest. All players should join our fc to do Brontomes eventsβ¦

Shuuca Shuu
In Discord
Being in our FC has been an amazing experience and has given my life meaning. It helped cure me of my depression and my eczema. Being around our older FC members has given me the confidence to be a contributing member of society. I now have automatic bill-pay setup! Nimbus even helps me by regularly scheduling my doctor appointments. G' is the best!

Carth Ellar
In general conversation
I left my last FC because it was very "officer-centric" where they really only played/talked with each other, and the rest of us were just there to get company credits for them. Windurst is so much better, I'm happier here, and want to step up and help keep that going, making sure everyone feels included if they want to be, or let them play quietly if they prefer that.

Deceptistar Meow
FFXIV Forums
I moved to Levi from Excalibur, and so far, it's been a nice time in Geuno. Everyone is very friendly. They have a lot of members, but their system is very orderly. Being a big community, those FCs will not crowd and pamper you with attention like a smaller, close-knit end-game FC. As it's a large community, you will have to be the one to make the effort to mingle in. As such, they have large numbers, and are always ranked top on the Lodestone, so I can see why many want to downplay them, but you have to keep in mind that they aren't a full blast end-game FC. It's more like a neighborhood community.

Baidar Uyagir
In general conversation on our Discord
I left G' once, it sucked. When you let it, G' starts to feel like a family, you learn names, faces, voices and soon enough you have inside jokes and a large community still feels small. The other FC's I have been in have, to say the least, have "strange" recruiting tactics and would love to never speak but just have a similar tag. G' is different, we try to keep chat active and talkative, everyone is allowed to work their way up through the FC, and you are surrounded by people who care. Also we always have buffs so if you just want the bonuses those are cool too I guess.

Ibuki Thrallmeepmeep
In Discord
Asked for some help to get through some dungeons and they offered. Helped my buddy and I get 3 or 4 dungeons off our checklist and made it a really smooth process.

Shonlai Mankhad
In general conversation
G' is the best community I've been in, in any MMO I've played. It's easy to make friends across the whole alliance, especially with all of the amazing events in place. G' is definitely my forever home.

Dj Daph
In general conversation
All of the G' Free Company houses are amazing! I wish I could have venues like G' for my clubs.
Ask your local FC officers for info on our latest events, or check out our page here: Free Company Events
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