In-Game Name
First Name
Last Name
Your Raid Level
Hardcore (Raiding 3+ Days per week, downing content quickly)
Midcore (Raiding 2-3 Days per week, more friendly atmosphere, still downing content but not as quickly)
Casual (Raiding 1-2 Days per week, Friendly atmosphere, not elitist, slowly downing content)
If you have a list of people who will be joining you, please list them here.
End Time For Your Raid Schedule
12 AM
1 AM
2 AM
3 AM
4 AM
5 AM
6 AM
7 AM
8 AM
9 AM
10 AM
11 AM
12 PM
1 PM
2 PM
3 PM
4 PM
5 PM
6 PM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
10 PM
11 PM
Days Your Available To Raid
All Days
My Main Class
PLD (Paladin)
WAR (Warrior)
DRK (Dark Knight)
WHM (White Mage)
SCH (Scholar)
AST (Astrologian)
MNK (Monk)
NIN (Ninja)
DRG (Dragoon)
BRD (Bard)
MCH (Machinist)
BLM (Black Mage)
SMN (Summoner)
My Secondary Class (2nd Choice)
PLD (Paladin)
WAR (Warrior)
DRK (Dark Knight)
WHM (White Mage)
SCH (Scholar)
AST (Astrologian)
MNK (Monk)
NIN (Ninja)
DRG (Dragoon)
BRD (Bard)
MCH (Machinist)
BLM (Black Mage)
SMN (Summoner)
My Third Class (3rd choice)
PLD (Paladin)
WAR (Warrior)
DRK (Dark Knight)
WHM (White Mage)
SCH (Scholar)
AST (Astrologian)
MNK (Monk)
NIN (Ninja)
DRG (Dragoon)
BRD (Bard)
MCH (Machinist)
BLM (Black Mage)
SMN (Summoner)
Anything you would like us to know about?
This could be anything to do with raiding.
I understand that by submitting this form, I have only requested to join/create an FC raid group. I understand that on submission, I will not be automatically placed into a raid group. I understand that I will be contacted as soon as I can be placed into a raid group. If I am creating a raid group, I understand that I will need to get access to the FC's Google Docs or ask an officer to update my page so that I may keep my Raid Group page up to date.
I agree
If you are interested in starting a raid group, please message Nimbus Tupti, James Brown, or Alex Lonewolf to start a raid group. We can get you set up with a Google Docs raid group page, a channel in Teamspeak, and you can see which players have entered information into this form on our Google Docs page.
I AM Interested in Starting My Own Raid Group
I AM NOT Interested in Starting My Own Raid Group
By clicking that you agree, you acknowledge that most raid groups will be starting on the current raid group tier. Although, it is ultimately up to the raid group and the raid leader which content will be completed with the raid group.
I Agree