Leader Agreement

1. Introduction

Thanks for choosing G' (β€œG'", Geuno”, "Luca", β€œwe”, β€œus”, β€œour”). By agreeing to become a trial officer you are entering into a binding agreement with the G' entity.

Your agreement with us includes these Terms and Conditions of Use (β€œTerms”).  (The Terms, Privacy Policy, and any additional terms that you agree to, as discussed in the Entire Agreement section, are referred to together as the β€œAgreements”.) If you wish to review the terms of the Agreements, the effective version of the Agreements can be found on Geuno’s website. You acknowledge that you have read and understood the Agreements, accept these Agreements, and agree to be bound by them. If you don’t agree with (or cannot comply with) the Agreements, then you will not be granted a position in G's Officer Core.

Please read the Agreements carefully. They cover important information about Geuno.  The Agreements include information about the Changes to the Agreements, Officer Position, Promotions, Demotions, Regulations, Requirements, and more.

2. Changes to the Agreements

Occasionally we may, in our discretion, make changes to the Agreements. When we make material changes to the Agreements, we’ll provide you with prominent notice as appropriate under the circumstances, e.g., by displaying a prominent notice within the Service or by posting in Discord for our officers to view. In some cases, we will notify you in advance, and your continued use of the Service after the changes have been made will constitute your acceptance of the changes. Please therefore make sure you read any such notice carefully. If you do not wish to continue with being a member of the G' Officer core under the new version of the Agreements, you may terminate the Agreements by contacting us through our website, on Discord application, or in Final Fantasy XIV.

3. Rights We Grant You

The G Services and the Content are the property of G. We grant you a limited, revocable licence to make use of the G' Service, and a limited, non-exclusive, revocable licence to make personal, non-commercial, entertainment use of the Content (the β€œLicence”). This Licence shall remain in effect until and unless terminated by you or G'. You promise and agree that you will abide by the Regulations on the Geuno Website and the terms outlined in this agreement.

You agree to abide by our User guidelines and not to use the G' Officer Service, the Content, or any part thereof in any manner not expressly permitted by the Agreements. Except for the rights expressly granted to you in these Agreements as an officer.

Third party software (Discord Access, Google Docs Access) included in the G' Service are licensed to you either under the Agreements as published in the this section of our our website.

4. Third Party Applications

The G' Service is integrated with third party applications, websites, and services (β€œThird Party Applications”) to make available content, products, and/or services to you. These Third Party Applications may have their own terms and conditions of use and privacy policies and your use of these Third Party Applications will be governed by and subject to such terms and conditions and privacy policies. You understand and agree that G' does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for the behavior, features, or content of any Third Party Application or for any transaction you may enter into with the provider of any such Third Party Applications.

5. User Generated Content

You promise that, with respect to any User Content you post on in G' Alliance Chat or any Third Party Agreements, (1) you have the right to post such User Content.  G' may, but has no obligation to, monitor, review, or edit User Content. In all cases, G' reserves the right to remove or disable access to any User Content for any or no reason, including but not limited to, User Content that, in G’s sole discretion, violates the Agreements. G' may take these actions without prior notification to you. Removal or disabling of access to User Content shall be at our sole discretion, and we do not promise to remove or disable access to any specific User Content.

You are solely responsible for all User Content that you post. You agree that if anyone brings a claim against G' related to user content that you post, then, you may be held accountable.

6. User Guidelines

  1. No Drama allowed.

    1. If conversations are getting out of hand, members will need to stop conversation.

    2. Any discussions that are racist or offensive are not allowed, and must stop immediately.

    3. If members are arguing, they will need to stop arguing in Free Company chat, and take it to private messages.

    4. If members do not stop the conversation/arguing in Free Company chat, an Officer should intervene.

      1. This may consist of a warning, private conversation, probation, or in extreme cases, removing the offender from the Free Company.

      2. Please screenshot any conversations you have in any game chat!

      3. If you are unable to put a member on probation, ask a Leader.

    5. If members are disrespectful, or causing troubles in Discord, provide a warning. Pull the offender into a channel to discuss the situation in private. If they don't listen after numerous attempts, kick them from Discord.

  2. Be Respectful of Members. This means a zero tolerance policy for racial slurs and derogatory comments towards homosexuals in our In Game FC Chat and our Discord Text Channels, this includes memes.

    1. If Officers violate these rules they will first receive a Warning. If they violate this rule a second time they will be demoted back to a Senior Members. Third violation will warrant being kicked from the Free Company.

  3. Banning Members & Blacklist.

    1. If people are banned from Discord, the person who issues the ban must put their "in-game" name and the reason they are banned in Discord.

    2. If a member is kicked from our Free Company, they are added to the blacklist in the Google Docs. Please fill out the documentation correctly. If you need assistance, please ask a Leader.

  4. Officer Chat Stays in Officer Chat.

    1. No quoting or sharing information from the Officer Linkshell in Free Company chat, personal Linkshells, or other forms of communication.

  5. No Blacklisting Members & Muting Members in Discord.

    1. Members in the Free Company are not to be put on Officer's Blacklist, or muted in Discord. Officers need to be able to intervene at any time if needed.

  6. Demerit System

    1. If Officers are unable to follow their duties, they will receive an official warning. We will keep tabs of this in the Google Docs under "Officer Demerit Log".

    2. When Officers receive a demerit, the date and offense will be placed in the log. After 6 months of upholding Officer responsibilities without any issues, demerits will be dropped.

    3. Officers will be demoted if they receive 3 active demerits. Their demotion rank will depend on the severity of the demerits. If an officer is demoted 3 times, than they will not be allowed to reapply for an Officer position.

  7. Free Company Events.

    1. Must participate in events if you are not busy in-game, or in real life.

      1. We are running events to help people in the Free Company, and sometimes need an extra hand to complete them in a timely manner.

    2. Hosting Events -

      1. Will be as they are meant to be run.

      2. Officers hosting events are not allowed to change these events to benefit themselves.

      3. Please schedule other events at different times than our scheduled events.

      4. Please update your macros and make an effort to notify other Officers of any changes 7 days prior to any event change.

  8. Do not go Rogue.

    1. Do not make changes to rules on your own. All rule changes are discussed at Officer meetings.

  9. Officer Meetings.

    1. Officer meetings are mandatory, due to changing rules and updates in the Free Company.

    2. Officers who have real life events, or are otherwise busy are excused from attending.

    3. If you plan to be absent from the meeting, please let someone know.

    4. If we see a trend in an Officer not coming to meetings, that particular Officer may have a demerit.

    5. Officer Meetings will take place in Discord.

    6. Revisiting Topics At Officer Meetings:

      1. 6 months before re-discussing a topic. Unless it is there is an update in the game or a new announcement.

  10. Negotiating with Hostile Free Companies.

    1. If possible, leave negotiations to a Leader. If they are unable to negotiate because of blacklists, the role will fall to an Officer.

    2. When negotiating, please keep all Officers and Leaders informed of the terms agreed upon in these negotiations.

  11. Do not interfere with other Free Companies outside of the G Alliance.

    1. We will not relay messages for other Free Companies, nor will we involve ourselves in their drama. This is regarding free companies outside of G'.

    2. Our goal is to not cause more issues, so let them negotiate their problems themselves. What they choose to do in their Free Companies is not our business. This is regarding free companies outside of G'.

  12. Officers who go Missing in Action (MIA) and Activity Requirements for Officers.

    1. If an officer is MIA for 14 days (i.e. not letting someone know they will be gone), they will be demoted to Senior Member.

      1. We have Facebook, this website, and Discord as ways to communicate with the Free Company.

    2. If a Trial Officer/Officer does not log on 3 x weekly they will be demoted to senior member. This includes quality time completing their officer job, this does not include logging on for 5 minutes and logging off (Recruiter job excluded from time logged in as long as proof is shown that they are successful, ie. Volleyball Channel in Discord).

    3. If a Senior Officer does not log on 4 x weekly they will be demoted to a senior member.

    4. If a Trial Leader/Leader does not log on 4-5 times weekly they will be demoted.

      1. This does not include officers with exceptions like vacation, real life, work etc.

      2. It will not be uncommon for the officer returning to have to work their way up the officer rank system or use the Expedited Officer Promotion.

  13. Recruiter.

    1. Please talk to members when recruiting them.

    2. When recruiting, do not go into Party Finder, or advertise in /shout chat.

    3. Emphasize our positive points, such as a 10% EXP Buff at all times, active Discord Server, FC House, etc.

    4. Can only be done in 30 minute blocks.

  14. On Leave Status.

    1. If Officers/Leaders go On Leave, their Officer position will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

    2. It will not be uncommon for the officer returning to have to work their way up the officer rank system.

    3. Officers/Leader may or may not be demoted, with the opportunity to rank back up.

  15. Upholding Officer Responsibilities.

    1. Players may be demoted if they are deemed unable to uphold all their responsibilities.

  16. Document via Pictures to provide sufficient information to enforce the 4-Stike Rule to remove members.

    1. This also applies to members suspected of being bots or gil sellers!

    2. Documented strikes must be posted in the appropriate Discord channel.

  17. Do NOT Ditch Events! Do not leave in the middle of an event. We understand if it is an emergency.

    1. If this happens multiple times and is becoming a trend you may be blacklisted from participating in weekly events.

    2. If you are Blacklisted you will be notified and your name will be placed on the blacklist under the event section.

    3. Repeated offenses can also result in a Demotion.

  18. 4 Strike Rule:

    1. Repeated offenses will result in a Verbal/Written Warning and the warning that the next offense will result in a Strike for our documentation.

    2. Strike 1 will result in a 2nd Verbal/Written Warning and the next offense will result in a 2nd Strike for our documentation and they will be placed in the Cabinet x 7 days if they get the 2nd Strike.

    3. Strike 2 will result in the person being placed in the Cabinet x 7 days and a verbal warning that if they receive a 3rd strike they will be dismissed from either discord and/or discord/fc.

    4. Strikes can result in a person receiving 3 strikes = Ban from discord but they may stay in the FC as long as they have no offenses.

    5. 2 Strikes on Discord & 2 Strikes in FC = Banned from both discord/FC.

    6. 3 Strikes in the FC = Banned from the FC and Discord.

    7. Documented strikes must be posted in the appropriate Discord channel.

  19. Vote Kick:

    1. If someone is clearly causing issues and just a general nuisance including "toe the line", they could be Vote Kicked out of the FC.

    2. This will depend on Rank for who votes on the person.

      1. Officers and above can vote on members causing issues.

      2. Senior Officers and above can vote on Officers.

      3. Trial leaders and above can vote on Senior Officers.

      4. Leaders can vote on Trial Leaders.

    3. Note: This is only used in extreme instances for repeat offenders.

  20. Banning Troublesome Members from Discord:

    1. If members are causing issues in the Free Company, if they leave on their own terms but for what ever reason they are not welcome back in the FC; they may be banned from the Discord Server. This will be decided by the Leadership when the person leaves the FC.

  21. Shards, Crystals, & Clusters:

    1. We would like to keep a max of 6000 Shards and Crystals in the FC Chest's at all times.

      1. These are for our crafter's to use when helping with FC projects.

    2. Leaders may sell Shards & Crystals to members for a 1 time sale of 500 Shards/Crystals. It is okay to trade x Shards/Crystals for a different elemental type.

    3. Do NOT sell or give Clusters away!

  22. Chocobo Dyes:

    1. These are given to our members for free when requested.

    2. Each Member may have a max of 3 per type and total of 15 monthly.

  23. Expedited Officer Promotions:

    1. Max Length away from the game/officer core is 3 months to be qualified for a fast track promotion.

    2. Instantly may be promoted to Trial Officer if they return within 3 months.  If returning after 3 months the person will need to wait 1-2 weeks for a promotion.  

      1. Please remember to educate them as well as all trials for their jobs responsibilities, changes in the fc, and their new role. 

    3. If the person is away from the game or officer core for 6 months, they will need to start the process from the beginning like a new applicant. 

    4. Will be evaluated after 2-4 weeks to decide which role or promotion will be best, may need multiple trial periods for different roles (Trial Officer, Officer, etc.). 

    5. If the person returns within that month - may retake their position granted no major issues since their return or departure.

    6. This rule does not apply to Leaders. See the Trial Leader & Leader agreements for the outlined Fast Track Promotion for Leaders.

  24. Protocol for Promotions to Trial Officer:

    1. Players who have been in the FC for at least 2 weeks are given the opportunity to be a Trial Officer upon request as long as they have not caused major issues.

    2. Individual Officer Meetings will be where the officers will vote on potential officers who have not stepped forward.

  25. Investigation Team & Rules:

    1. Team:

      1. The Investigation Team will consist of 1 Leader from Each FC and 2 officers (Officer, Senior Officer, Trial Leader, or Leader) for a total of 3 from each FC.

      2. The Team Members can be rotated monthly.

      3. Team will be required to use the Investigation Documentation Log and Channel to document all evidence and to discuss the current cases.

    2. Rules:

      1. When a voice chat problem is presented to investigators, If there is no witnesses then it's not worth investigating because its one person word against another.

      2. Investigator must speak with all parties/people involved. If they mention other people then they must be spoken to as well.

      3. When talking to each party, do not side with anyone and make no promises.

      4. Make sure when talking to the parties involved to only do so in text so we can screenshot their responses and use as evidence. After their statements have been taken, the person/people are not allowed to recent.

      5. If it's found out that a person has lied in their statement, they will be punished on a case-by-case basis.

      6. Judgement is decided based on all the statements gathered and information provided.

      7. Once a judgement has been reached, depending on the severity of the offence, the punishment can lead to a warning/cabinet or removal from the FC.

      8. If an investigator is being investigated, they will temporarily be removed from the role while the investigation is being processed.

      9. Investigation team will consist of 1 leader from each FC and 2 open spots for qualified officers and above. These can be swapped out monthly.

      10. Victim must report the case themselves or the investigation will be thrown out.

      11. People who are reporting the case must have at least one witness.

      12. All witness must be talked to within 48 hours.

      13. Investigators must be available time zones to discuss with people.

  26. G Raffle:

    1. G Raffles will be held every 2 months.

    2. Officers will be required to spam the Macros 3 times daily (3 times daily per FC not per Officer).

    3. Senior Officers, Trial Leaders, and Leader will need to collect gil and screen shot all transactions.  They will need to place the picture in the appropriate channel in discord.  We will need someone to put the transactions into the google docs and mark with a check emote that this action has been completed. 

    4. Refer to www.geuno.com/raffle for more information. 

  27. Following Chain of Command:

    1. We ask that all officers follow the chain of command in their FC.

    2. Example if someone is having issues, please go to the FC Leader for the FC you are in.

    3. Do go to another Leader in a different FC for an issue that you are having unless this is an emergency.

    4. Please go to the Leader for the FC that you are in, before going to Nimbus. Unless this is related to an issue with that specific Leader.

  28. Stealing for the FC:

    1. This results in an instant ban from the FC, rank does not matter.

  29. All G’s are Created Equal:

    1. If officers bash other G’s for being lesser G’ Free Company than they may be asked to step down.

7. Officer Jobs

While you are not an Officer or a Senior Officer it is good to familiarize yourself with these positions and jobs.  As a leader you are not required to do these jobs, but you are required to promote officers for these positions and delegate to officers to complete these jobs.  Officer specific jobs are mandatory for Officers and Senior Officers.  We encourage Trial Officers to choose a job, they will need to choose one if they are promoted to an Officer.  This is a job the individual chooses that they feel they can perform to help our Free Company.  We will use these to help determine how well Trial Officers, Officers, and Senior Officers are doing their jobs.  Remember Senior Officers will also be evaluated on their Senior Officer Jobs as well.

If officers continue to not perform their jobs, this may have a 3 strike or 3 demerit rule before being demoted.  This will only apply to officers who have been given warnings for not completing their jobs and continue to not complete their jobs. 

If a job is underutilized for an extended period of time, can our officers do another job - after attempting their chosen job and discussing with their leader which job to do.

  1. Gardening:

    1. Responsibilities include Growing Krakka Root, Chocobo Dyes, and Other Items for the G' Raffle

    2. Will be able to evaluated what is needed based on how much Krakka Root and Chocobo Dyes are available in the Free Company Chest.

    3. Actual Evaluations for the job will be based on documentation provided in the officer documentation channel on Discord.

      1. 2 posts weekly are sufficient for meeting the minimum quota.

    4. On a side note, do not place more than 5 stacks of 5 roots or dyes in the first tab, members may abuse the system and steal a large amount.

    5. This Job is only for officers, the gardening privileges are not available to trial officers.

  2. Gathering:

    1. Responsibilities include Using Gathering classes (Miner, Botanist, Fisher) to collect items for Airships, Free Company Buffs, Housing Items, and the G' Raffle.

    2. Actual Evaluations for the job will be based on documentation provided in the officer documentation channel on Discord.

      1. Weekly Quota could be one of the items listed below or a combination:

        1. Raw resources like cobalt ore, darksteel items not on timed node but items that can be gathered in Diadem as well: 600 items weekly.

        2. Collecting unspoiled nodes or soil: 20-40 weekly

    3. We have various Free Company projects that can be viewed in Discord, for an idea of what is needed to be gathered.

  3. Crafting:

    1. Responsibilities include Using the Crafting classes (WVR, CRP, LTW, BSM, ARM, GSM, ALC, CUL) to craft items for our Free Company Buffs, Airships, Housing Items, the G' Raffle, and members in our Free Company.

    2. Actual Evaluations for the job will be based on documentation provided in the officer documentation channel on Discord.

      1. Weekly Quota could be one of the items listed below or a combination:

        1. Crafting alliance project items - Minimum of 700 items weekly (HQ not required, can quick synth all items.

        2. Contribute to current patch food items (Food Project): Minimum of 99 HQ foods crafted weekly.

        3. Crafting for members in the Free Company: 3 items per week (can include Raffle Donations, Minimum Market Value of 100k).

    3. We do have multiple free company projects which can help crafter’s meet their minimum quota weekly.

  4. Dungeon Runner:

    1. Responsibilities include help run members through Instances, Dungeons, and other things they request help on.

    2. Actual Evaluations for the job will be based on documentation provided in the officer documentation channel on Discord.

      1. Must have a picture of the Contact List submitted as documentation.

      2. If unable to get any takers, must document a picture of you asking anyone if they need help in a dungeon.

      3. Minimum requirements is 2 / weekly.

      4. Must use the Time Stamps on photos submitted.

  5. Social Butterfly:

    1. Responsibilities include Keep the Free Company Chat Active and Engage Members in Conversation in Free Company Chat.

    2. They will also be required to greet people as they log into the game, as long as the officer is not in a dungeon or instance.

    3. Actual Evaluations for the job will be based on documentation provided in the officer documentation channel on Discord.

      1. Must provide screenshots of their chatting in the Officer Documentation Logs on Discord as proof of job completion.

      2. Must use the Time Stamps on photos submitted.

  6. Recruiter:

    1. Responsibilities to recruit new members to the free company. Responsible to keep the Free Company Census up.

    2. Will be evaluated on how often the person recruits.

      1. Requirement is 3 x weekly, if the person is a Senior Officer it would be base requirement +1 so 4 times weekly.

      2. Actual Evaluations for the job will be based on documentation provided in the community volleyball channel on Discord.

    3. Please review our guidelines for recruiting members to the Free Company.

    4. Please note that officers are to post theirs number of members recruited into our discord channel "Community Volleyball Team".

      1. Officers are required to put +X depending on how many players recruited (example: +1, +4).

      2. If a player leaves the FC after being recruited, that person will not count (example, 3 people join, 1 leaves. This can be documented as either +2 or +3 -1 =2). If the person leaves after the screenshot is taken, you will not need to change the number count you documented.

  7. Event Runner:

    1. Responsibilities include Advertising our Daily Events, Recruiting Members to participate in the events, and filling in for the events if needed. Event Runners may need to host an event if the hosts cannot show up to the event that day.

    2. Requirements:

      1. Help run two events weekly (also to be an extra-body or back-up for the event) OR Host one event weekly.

      2. Host the event they help volunteer to run weekly if the actual host cannot run it.

      3. Must advertise macros throughout the week for their event and other events. Will need to spam Macros 15 minutes before the event starts. This does not need to be documented.

      4. Help organize the event (s) you choose to participate in, find volunteers, get them recruited into the event or make sure they are invited to the group by passing their name to the leader.

      5. Host a second party if needed.

    3. Actual Evaluations for the job will be based on documentation provided in the officer documentation channel on Discord.

      1. Must post a picture of the party list in the documentation log.

  8. Blog Writer:

    1. This is a job that will need to have access to Discord for the Blog Writing Committee channel.

    2. This group will coordinate with other editors to write articles that would be interesting for our website.

      1. The articles can feature members, discuss patches, discuss updates, guides, discuss FC events, and more!

      2. All articles must be at least 600 words.

    3. Demotion may happen if the officer does not contribute to Blog Entries in 1 month.

8. Auxiliary Officer Jobs

It is important to be aware of the Auxiliary Officer Jobs.  As a Leader, you are responsible for all of the Auxiliary Officer jobs, it is your duty to delegate these jobs to Auxiliary Officers.  Ultimately if the jobs are not completed it will fall to be your responsibility. Remember, Auxiliary Officers will need to be assigned/choose (2) two Auxiliary Officers jobs along with their (1) one Officer job to help the Free Company.   The jobs are listed below:

  1. Stock Krakka Root and Grysal Greens in the Free Company Chest Daily:

    1. Responsibilities are to keep/move 5 stacks of Krakka root (stacks of 5) on the first tab of the Free Company. It is the gardeners responsibility to make sure we have enough Krakka roots.

    2. Will be evaluated on how often the Krakka Root or Grysal Greens run out on the first tab of the Free Company Chest.

    3. Actual Evaluations for the job will be based on documentation provided in the Auxiliary officer documentation channel on Discord.

  2. Deploy the Correct Buffs Daily & Keep the Buffs Stocked:

    1. Responsibilities are to Make sure to deploy the correct buffs at 0000 EST Daily. Also responsible to make sure the buffs are stocked in the Free Companies.

    2. Will be evaluated on how often the buffs are up on time and how often the Free Company runs out of Buffs.

    3. Actual Evaluations for the job will be based on documentation provided in the Auxiliary officer documentation channel on Discord.

  3. Deploy the Airships and Submersibles to the Correct Sectors when they have completed:

    1. Responsibilities are to make sure the proper airships and submersibles are deployed at all times.

    2. Remember to place all airship/submersible materials into the 2nd and 3rd tabs of the Free Company Chest.

    3. Will be evaluated on how often the Airships/Submersibles are sitting in the workshop and are not deployed.

    4. Actual Evaluations for the job will be based on documentation provided in the Auxiliary officer documentation channel on Discord.

9. Senior Officer Jobs

It is important to be aware of the Senior Officer Jobs.  As a Leader, you are responsible for all of the Senior Officer jobs, it is your duty to delegate these jobs to Senior Officers.  Ultimately if the jobs are not completed it will fall to be your responsibility. Remember, Senior Officers will need to be assigned/choose (1) one Senior Officers jobs along with their (1) one Officer job to help the Free Company.   The jobs are listed below:

  1. Monitor the Aetherial Wheel and Make Sure a Buff is Always Cooking:

    1. Responsibilities are to make sure there is always a Level 3 Buff Cooking in the Aetherial Wheel Stand. Also make sure to prime the wheels so we can use the Buff in our Free Company.

    2. Will be evaluated on how often the Buffs sit in the Aetherial Wheel unprimed or how often the Aetherial Wheel Stand is empty.

    3. Actual Evaluations for the job will be based on documentation provided in the senior officer documentation channel on Discord.

  2. Purging the Free Company Daily as appropriate:

    1. Responsibilities to purge the Free Company daily.

      1. Remove players who have been offline for 21+ Days.

      2. Remove players in the Free Company who have been offline for 90+ Days that are rank "On Leave".

      3. Remove players who are the rank "Unable to Retrieve".

      4. Remove inactive players if needing room for more active members who would like in the Free Company.

    2. Will be evaluated on how often the purge list is not up to date.

    3. Actual Evaluations for the job will be based on documentation provided in the senior officer documentation channel on Discord.

  3. Promoting / Demoting Recruits, Members, Senior Members:

    1. Responsibilities to promote or demote Recruits to Members, Members to Senior Members. Or demote if appropriate.

      1. Promote Recruits to Members if they have been in the Free Company for a few days to a week.

      2. Promote Members to Senior members if they are:

        1. Active in Free Company chat

        2. Active in Discord

        3. If they are a longtime member to the guild and you always see them online.

    2. Will be evaluated on how often members are needing to be promoted from Recruit to Member and Member to Senior Member.

    3. Actual Evaluations for the job will be based on documentation provided in the senior officer documentation channel on Discord.

  4. Assigning/Updating Officer Roles/Promotions/Demotions for the Google Docs & Discord:

    1. G-Docs:

      1. Responsibility to ensure New Trial Officers, Officers, Senior Officers, Trial Leaders and Leaders are properly assigned with their promotions/demotion dated in the google docs on the "Officer FC & Info" Tab.

      2. Responsibility to ensure New Trial Officers, Officers, Senior Officers, Trial Leaders and Leaders are properly assigned to their jobs in the google docs on the "Officer Duties" Tab.

    2. Discord:

      1. Responsibility to make sure that all Trial Officers, Officers, Senior Officers, Trial Leaders and Leaders are properly assigned with Specific G Officer tag and each members Rank ( Trial Officers, Officers, Senior Officers, Trial Leaders or Leader) in Discord

      2. Responsibility to change the tag and unassign Trial Officers, Officers, Senior Officers, Trial Leaders and Leaders who are no longer in the officer core back to a regular members of G.

    3. Actual Evaluations for the job will be based on documentation provided in the senior officer documentation channel on Discord.

  5. Gathering and Submitting Date for Grand Company Seal Event:

    1. This is a weekly event for the FC.

    2. We will need this person to gather date from the lodestone for the top 3 members from all G FC’s.

    3. They will need to submit this data to the SO / Leader channel in the Discord and also submit as proof in the SO Documentation log.

    4. This will need to be completed every Tues or Wednesday weekly so leaders can give out prizes.

10. Leader Jobs

All leaders will be required to perform all of the duties listed below.

  1. Delegating and Verifying All Jobs Are Completed:

    1. Check to make sure the Trial Officer Jobs are completed and if not will need to delegate or enforce.

    2. Check to make sure the Officer Jobs are completed and if not will need to delegate or enforce.

    3. Check to make sure the Senior Officer Jobs are completed and if not will need to delegate or enforce.

  2. Any Senior Officers Jobs that are not Assigned or completed will need to be completed by Leaders (this can be divided among the different leaders).

  3. Resolving Issues in the Free Company:

    1. Issues needing to be resolved may occur in the Free Company Chat.

    2. Issues needing to be resolved may occur on the Discord Server.

    3. Issues needing to be resolved may occur involving members from other Free Companies.

  4. Managing FC Chat:

    1. This includes making sure members are appropriate and not out of line.

    2. This includes enforcing rules and disciplining appropriately.

  5. Managing the Linkshells:

    1. Actively advertise for new members for the Linkshells (Allies & Friends).

    2. Remove inactive members or members who have left the Free Company.

  6. Organize Officer and Alliance Meetings

  7. Update Google Docs:

    1. Leaders will need to review the Google Docs and make sure it is being updated, even if this is a Senior Officers job.

  8. Recruit Minimum of Three Weekly

    1. This also means to evaluate Senior Officers and ensure they are recruiting a minimum of twice weekly per each senior officer.

  9. Actively look for new Trial Officers.

  10. Encourage officers that meet the requirements and would be a good candidate to place SO applications.

  11. Communicate Properly with other Leaders in Discord Chat.

    1. This includes monitoring and reading discord chats that are applicable (specific FC chats and officer chats).

    2. Will need to be active in Discord.

    3. Will need to respond promptly to messages or concerns.

11. Leader Specific Duties

These members will help enforce rules and changes in the Free Company.  They will help with the day to day activity in the Free Companies and helping the Free Company members:

  • Follow the rules of the Free Company & enforce the rules.

  • Where applicable, invite members seeking to join the Playstation Community Group

  • Discord Chat is a requirement for all Officers in the core.

  • Discord: Advertise Discord, and monitor chat and activity.

    • Responsible for Promoting New People in Discord to the proper titles (Officer Rank, Free Company, Guest, Raid Group, etc.

    • Responsible for changing new players names to their FFXIV In-Game Names.

    • Responsible for kicking/banning players who are out of line.

  • Checking Activity Log daily when logging on, to see what has happened in the Free Company

  • Must have Google Docs Access.

    • Help with the Leader Check-Lists.

    • Will need to help document for the Raffle.

    • Welcome to help keep the Google Docs jobs and ranks up to date.

  • Change members ranks to "On Leave" if requested, also move members from "On Leave" rank to Senior Member when they return to the game.

  • Help Relay Free Company Events through the Alliance Linkshells and into Free Company Chat for our members.

  • Be approachable by the Free Company members. Be supportive.

  • Do you best to help with these jobs that are everyone's responsibility to keep our Free Company running:

    • Chat in Free Company chat and engage the Free Company.

    • Helping players out with duties and trials.

    • Help answer questions if you know the answers.

    • Free Company recruitment, do your best!

12. Trial Leader Process & Training

  • Training process will be 60 days for each Trial Leader.

  • This will entail moving to each FC for 7-10 days - varies depending on how many FC’s are in the alliance.

  • Each Trial Leader will be responsible for attending each FC Meeting x 1 during their Trial Process over 60 days.

  • Before moving to another FC for the Trial Period with a different leader. The Trial Leader and Leader must sit down and discuss expectations within that specific guild while the Trial Leader is in that FC.

    • What jobs the Trial Leader has within that specific FC. Ie. Splitting up Leader Jobs or Senior Officer Jobs.

    • Issues that the Trial Leader needs to work on to get a positive vote.

    • Current issues the FC is having. Discuss things that need to be focused on.

      • An example is SO’s not doing their job so focus on that on enforcing that job or monitoring documentation.

  • Opening all FC Chats - discuss current issues in the leader chats with all trial leaders on board to get more experience.

13. Recruiting

Senior Officers, Trial Leaders, and Leaders are REQUIRED to recruit for the FC.

  1. Senior Officers and above are required to recruit twice a week.

    1. Recruiting can be done on the Senior Officers and above's own terms.

  2. This will need to be documented in the correct text channel in Discord.

    1. Failure to document and/or recruit may end in a demotion.

14. Time Expectations

These are guidelines that we expect to be met in order to do the Trial Leader specific duty. 

  • Leaders are required to log on at least four-five times a week to perform their specific duties.

    • Leaders are required to log on at least four-five times a week to perform their specific duties.

      • Leaders who are not able to consistently log in four-five times weekly may be demoted.

      • If a Free Company does not have enough Senior Officers to cover the Senior Officer jobs, then Trial Leaders and Leaders will be required to split the jobs up to cover them.

        • Some jobs may require players to log in 5 minutes a day to do these.

        • If a Trial Leader/Leader chooses one of these jobs they will be required to log in for a short amount of time daily or notify the officer core if they are unable to log in to do this job.

        • This can be split up if multiple Senior Officers/Trial Leaders/Leaders are assigned to one of these jobs.

15. Quarrels Among Leaders

If leaders have issues with each other will need to discuss in private with Nimbus ASAP.

16. Promotions

You will be responsible to help evaluate all promotions in the Free Company from Members, Senior Members, Trial Officers, Officers, Senior Officers, and new Leaders.  Senior Officer and Leader promotions will only be done at full Free Company Alliance Meetings monthly.  These Officers who wish to rise to Senior Officer and to Trial Leader / Leader must contact a Leader about this or submit an application.

Please note that when Senior Officers are interested in applying for the "Trial Leader" Position follow this protocol:

  • Please discuss with the other leaders, so that each can give their input on what the new potential leader needs to work on.

  • A leader from the applicants Free Company will need to discuss the input with the Potential New Leader.

  • The leaders need to get to know the Potential New Leader and guide him/her in the right direction.

  • Trial Leaders will need to complete the 60 day Trial Leader Regimen prior to being eligible for a promotion to Leader.

  • In order to vote the new trial leader voted in, it needs to be a Majority. For the person to be voted from Trial Leader to Leader will need to have a unanimous vote with a "Yes" from all the leaders, with no question or doubt on the persons abilities.

Fast Track Promotions for Leaders Only:

The Fast Track for Leaders does not apply to Trial Leaders. Trial Leaders who take a break, may be fast tracked to Senior Officer and will need to reapply for Trial Leader and undergo the Trial Leader process. Please see the expedited officer section for the exact rules for fast track.

  • If a Leader returns within 30 days, they may be reappointed to Leader as long as they did not cause any issues from when they demoted themselves through time requesting promotion. This does not apply to leaders who have been demoted.

  • If a Leader returns within 31-60 days, then they may be expedited with a 30 day Trial Leader Position and then deliberation for promotion afterwards. During the 30 day Trial, they will need to spend one week in all the other FC’s and participate in all the FC Meetings. Previous Leaders may qualify for this as long as they did not cause any issues from when they demoted themselves through time requesting promotion. This does not apply to leaders who have been demoted.

  • If a Leader returns at 61+ Days, they may be expedited fast tracked to Senior Officer position per the rules listed for Expedited Officer, but they will need to apply for Trial Leader position after 60 days, and will need to undergo the entire Trial Leader process.

17. Demotions & Probation

The proper protocol for demotion a leader will be as follows.

  1. Probation Leaders will discuss with Nimbus to see if someone would be a candidate for Probation.

  2. Probation period will be required over 4 weeks and the co-Leaders in the FC will be required to help encourage and get the person back to working full duty. At the end of the Probation Period there will be a vote among all the Leaders for whether this person keeps their position, passing score is (majority).

  3. Each Probation period will count as 1 demerit.

  4. Okay for 1 relapse within 6 months to 1 year will result in Probation again with a second demerit.

  5. A 3rd relapse will result in a demotion from the leader position to a different position that would be appropriate for the level of activity the person is doing.

Leaders who go MIA for 2 weeks without notice will be demoted to a senior member.


Things may have changed since this page was last updated on 10/13/2018.