Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Section 1
Mauris mauris ante, blandit et, ultrices a, suscipit eget, quam. Integer ut neque. Vivamus nisi metus, molestie vel, gravida in, condimentum sit amet, nunc. Nam a nibh. Donec suscipit eros. Nam mi. Proin viverra leo ut odio. Curabitur malesuada. Vestibulum a velit eu ante scelerisque vulputate.
Section 2
Sed non urna. Donec et ante. Phasellus eu ligula. Vestibulum sit amet purus. Vivamus hendrerit, dolor at aliquet laoreet, mauris turpis porttitor velit, faucibus interdum tellus libero ac justo. Vivamus non quam. In suscipit faucibus urna.
Section 3
Nam enim risus, molestie et, porta ac, aliquam ac, risus. Quisque lobortis. Phasellus pellentesque purus in massa. Aenean in pede. Phasellus ac libero ac tellus pellentesque semper. Sed ac felis. Sed commodo, magna quis lacinia ornare, quam ante aliquam nisi, eu iaculis leo purus venenatis dui.
- List item one
- List item two
- List item three
Section 4
Cras dictum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean lacinia mauris vel est.
Suspendisse eu nisl. Nullam ut libero. Integer dignissim consequat lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

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Officer specific jobs are mandatory. Officers are to choose the job they feel they can help with the most for our free company. We will use these to help determine how well Officers are doing their jobs. This will also be used to determine if an Officer deserves a promotion.
If officers continue to not perform their jobs, this may have a 3 strike or 3 demerit rule before being demoted. This will only apply to officers who have been given warnings for not completing their jobs and continue to not complete their jobs.
If a job is underutilized for an extended period of time, our officers can sign up to perform another job, after discussing with leadership
Trial Officers will need to choose (1) one Officer jobs to help the Free Company. The jobs are listed below:
1. Responsibilities include Using Gathering classes (Miner, Botanist, Fisher) to collect items for Airships, Free Company Buffs, Housing Items, and other FC events.
2. FC window history will provide documentation for the job and evaluations will be based on providing a steady supply of what is currently needed in the FC. We have various Free Company projects that can be viewed in Discord, for an idea of what is needed to be gathered.
3. Raw resources like cobalt ore, darksteel items not on timed node but items that can be gathered in Diadem as well: 600 items weekly. Collecting unspoiled nodes or soil: 20-40 weekly
1. Responsibilities include Using the Crafting classes (WVR, CRP, LTW, BSM, ARM, GSM, ALC, CUL) to craft items for our Free Company Buffs, Airships, Housing Items, Events, and members in our Free Company. Actual Evaluations for the job will be based on documentation provided in the appropriate channels on Discord.
2. Weekly Quota could be one of the items listed below or a combination:
- Crafting alliance project items - Minimum of 700 items weekly (HQ not required, can quick synth all items.
- Contribute to current patch food items (Food Project): Minimum of 99 HQ foods crafted weekly.
- Crafting for members in the Free Company: 3 items per week (can include Lotto/Event Donations, Minimum Market Value of 100k).
We do have multiple free company projects which can help crafterβs meet their minimum quota weekly.
Dungeon Runner
1. Responsibilities include actively helping members through Instances, Dungeons, and other things they request help on.
2. Dungeon runner is going beyond just inviting members when you do your dailies. Please try to run with members, as opposed to an officer majority party unless there is a lack of participants.
Social Butterfly
1. Responsibilities include Keep the Free Company Chat Active and Engage Members in Conversation in Free Company Chat.
2. Be mindful to greet people as they log into the game, as long as the officer is not in a dungeon or instance.
1. Responsibilities to recruit new members to the free company and keep the Free Company Census up. Will be evaluated on how often the person recruits.
2. Requirement is 3 x weekly, if the person is a Senior Officer it would be base requirement +1 so 4 times weekly.
3. All recruitment will be done via Private Message ingame. Recruiters will NOT use shout or say. Please be able to differentiate between legit players and gil bots. Your goal as recruiter is to discover and invite potential active members, not to fill up the FC with Lv2 alts and bots. If you are a people person this may be the perfect job!
Event Runner
1. Responsibilities include advertising our Daily Events, recruiting members to participate in the events, and filling in for the events if needed.
2. Requirements:
- Help run two events weekly (also to be an extra-body or back-up for the event) OR Host one event weekly.
- Host the event they help volunteer to run weekly if the actual host cannot run it.
- Must advertise macros throughout the week for their event and other events. Will need to spam Macros 15-30-60 minutes before the event starts.
- Help organize the event(s) you choose to participate in, find volunteers, get them recruited into the event or make sure they are invited to the group by passing their name to the event leader. Host a second party if needed.
Blog Writer
1. This is a job that will need to have access to Discord for the Blog Writing Committee channel.
2. This group will coordinate with other editors to write articles that would be interesting for our website. The articles can feature members, discuss patches, discuss updates, guides, discuss FC events, and more! All articles must be at least 600 words.
3. Demotion may happen if the officer does not contribute to Blog Entries in 1 month.
These members are wanting to become Officers in the Free Company. They will have a one to two month trial to see if they meet the standards of our Free Company. These are our interns who are wanting to become an Officer. These people are starting to show signs of being an Officer.
- Follow the rules of the Free Company & enforce the rules.
- Discord Chat is a requirement for all Officers in the core.
- May have Google Docs if appropriate.
- Help Relay Free Company Events through the Alliance Linkshells and into Free Company Chat for our members.
- Be approachable by the Free Company members. Be supportive.
- Do your chosen job to help the Free Company and strive at that.
- Do you best to help with these jobs that are everyone's responsibility to keep our Free Company running
- Chat in Free Company chat and engage the Free Company.
- Helping players out with duties and trials.
- Help answer questions if you know the answers.
- Be mindful of how you display yourself as an officer.
- Free Company recruitment, do your best!
Time Expectations:
- Officers are required to log on at least three times a week to perform their specific duties.
- If a Trial Officer/Officer does not log on 3 x weekly they will be demoted to senior member. This includes quality time completing their officer job, this does not include logging on for 5 minutes and logging off.
Officers will need to choose (1) one Officer job to help the Free Company. The jobs are listed below:
1. Responsibilities include Using Gathering classes (Miner, Botanist, Fisher) to collect items for Airships, Free Company Buffs, Housing Items, and other FC events.
2. FC window history will provide documentation for the job and evaluations will be based on providing a steady supply of what is currently needed in the FC. We have various Free Company projects that can be viewed in Discord, for an idea of what is needed to be gathered.
3. Raw resources like cobalt ore, darksteel items not on timed node but items that can be gathered in Diadem as well: 600 items weekly. Collecting unspoiled nodes or soil: 20-40 weekly
1. Responsibilities include Using the Crafting classes (WVR, CRP, LTW, BSM, ARM, GSM, ALC, CUL) to craft items for our Free Company Buffs, Airships, Housing Items, Events, and members in our Free Company. Actual Evaluations for the job will be based on documentation provided in the appropriate channels on Discord.
2. Weekly Quota could be one of the items listed below or a combination:
- Crafting alliance project items - Minimum of 700 items weekly (HQ not required, can quick synth all items.
- Contribute to current patch food items (Food Project): Minimum of 99 HQ foods crafted weekly.
- Crafting for members in the Free Company: 3 items per week (can include Lotto/Event Donations, Minimum Market Value of 100k).
We do have multiple free company projects which can help crafterβs meet their minimum quota weekly.
Dungeon Runner
1. Responsibilities include actively helping members through Instances, Dungeons, and other things they request help on.
2. Dungeon runner is going beyond just inviting members when you do your dailies. Please try to run with members, as opposed to an officer majority party unless there is a lack of participants.
Social Butterfly
1. Responsibilities include Keep the Free Company Chat Active and Engage Members in Conversation in Free Company Chat.
2. Be mindful to greet people as they log into the game, as long as the officer is not in a dungeon or instance.
1. Responsibilities to recruit new members to the free company and keep the Free Company Census up. Will be evaluated on how often the person recruits.
2. Requirement is 3 x weekly, if the person is a Senior Officer it would be base requirement +1 so 4 times weekly. Please review our guidelines for recruiting members to the Free Company.
Event Runner
1. Responsibilities include advertising our Daily Events, recruiting members to participate in the events, and filling in for the events if needed.
2. Requirements:
- Help run two events weekly (also to be an extra-body or back-up for the event) OR Host one event weekly.
- Host the event they help volunteer to run weekly if the actual host cannot run it.
- Must advertise macros throughout the week for their event and other events. Will need to spam Macros 15-30-60 minutes before the event starts.
- Help organize the event(s) you choose to participate in, find volunteers, get them recruited into the event or make sure they are invited to the group by passing their name to the event leader. Host a second party if needed.
Blog Writer
1. This is a job that will need to have access to Discord for the Blog Writing Committee channel.
2. This group will coordinate with other editors to write articles that would be interesting for our website. The articles can feature members, discuss patches, discuss updates, guides, discuss FC events, and more! All articles must be at least 600 words.
3. Demotion may happen if the officer does not contribute to Blog Entries in 1 month.
These members will help enforce rules and changes in the Free Company. They will help with the day to day activity in the Free Companies and helping the Free Company members
- Follow the rules of the Free Company & enforce the rules.
- Discord Chat is a requirement for all Officers in the core.
- Where applicable, invite members seeking to join the Playstation Community Group.
- May have Google Docs if appropriate.
- Help Relay Free Company Events through the Alliance Linkshells and into Free Company Chat for our members.
- Be approachable by the Free Company members. Be supportive.
- Do your chosen job to help the Free Company and strive at that.
- Do you best to help with these jobs that are everyone's responsibility to keep our Free Company running
- Chat in Free Company chat and engage the Free Company.
- Helping players out with duties and trials.
- Help answer questions if you know the answers.
- Be mindful of how you display yourself as an officer.
- Free Company recruitment, do your best!
Time Expectations:
- Officers are required to log on at least three times a week to perform their specific duties.
- If a Trial Officer/Officer does not log on 3 x weekly they will be demoted to senior member. This includes quality time completing their officer job, this does not include logging on for 5 minutes and logging off.
Auxiliary Officers will need to choose (2) two Auxiliary Officers jobs along with their (1) one Officer job to help the Free Company. The jobs are listed below:
Stock Krakka Root and Grysal Greens in the Free Company Chest Daily
1. Responsibilities are to keep/move 5 stacks of Krakka root (stacks of 5) on the first tab of the Free Company. It is the gardeners responsibility to make sure we have enough Krakka roots.
2. Will be evaluated on how often the Krakka Root or Grysal Greens run out on the first tab of the Free Company Chest.
3. FC window history will provide documentation for the job and evaluations will be based on providing a steady supply of what is currently needed in the FC.
Deploy the Correct Buffs Daily:
1. Responsibilities are to Make sure to deploy the correct buffs at 0000 EST Daily.
2. Will be evaluated on how often the buffs are up on time.
Deploy the Airships and Submersibles to the Correct Sectors when they have completed:
1. Responsibilities are to make sure the proper airships and submersibles are deployed at all times.
2. Remember to place all airship/submersible materials into the appropriate tabs of the Free Company Chest.
3. Will be evaluated on how often the Airships/Submersibles are sitting in the workshop and are not deployed.
These members will further help enforce rules and changes in the Free Company. They will help with the day to day activity in the Free Companies and helping the Free Company members:
- Follow the rules of the Free Company & enforce the rules.
- Discord Chat is a requirement for all Officers in the core.
- May have Google Docs if appropriate.
- Help Relay Free Company Events through the Alliance Linkshells and into Free Company Chat for our members.
- Be approachable by the Free Company members. Be supportive.
- Do your chosen job to help the Free Company and strive at that.
- Do you best to help with these jobs that are everyone's responsibility to keep our Free Company running
- Chat in Free Company chat and engage the Free Company.
- Helping players out with duties and trials.
- Help answer questions if you know the answers.
- Be mindful of how you display yourself as an officer.
- Free Company recruitment, do your best!
-- Discord: Advertise Discord, and monitor chat and activity.
-- Checking Activity Log daily when logging on, to see what has happened in the Free Company
-- Do your chosen (1) one Officer Job and (2) two Auxiliary Officer Jobs to help the Free Company and strive at them.
--- While all Officers and above are required to enforce rules, screenshot situations, and post in their respective Officer chats on discord; Auxiliary and Senior officers are also able and required to discipline members by giving warnings and depending on the infraction/number of infractions place members in The Cabinet or kick from the FC or Discord.
--- These warnings should be given to the infracting individual as soon as possible so that they know what they did wrong and why we are speaking to them to attempt to curb the behavior prior to it getting worse. If a member continues to act out or become belligerant to the point where any Auxiliary Officer cannot/ will not perform these duties, it may be terms for demotion.
Time Expectations:
- Officers are required to log on at least four (4) times a week to perform their specific duties.
- Auxiliary Officers who are not able to consistently log in four times weekly may be demoted.
- Some jobs may require players to log in 5 minutes a day to do these. If an auxiliary officer chooses one of these jobs they will be required to log in for a short amount of time daily or notify the officer core if they are unable to log in to do this job. This can be split up if multiple Auxiliary officers are assigned to one of these jobs.
Senior Officers will need to choose (2) two Senior Officers jobs along with their (1) one Officer job to help the Free Company. The jobs are listed below:
Monitor the Aetherial Wheel and Make Sure a Buff is Always Cooking:
1. Responsibilities are to make sure there is always a Level 3 Buff Cooking in the Aetherial Wheel Stand. Also make sure to prime the wheels so we can use the Buff in our Free Company.
2. Will be evaluated on how often the Buffs sit in the Aetherial Wheel unprimed or how often the Aetherial Wheel Stand is empty.
Purging the Free Company Daily as appropriate:
1. Responsibilities to purge the Free Company daily.
- Remove players ranks who have been offline for 30+ Days.
- Remove players in the Free Company who have been offline for 90+ Days that are rank "On Leave".
- Remove inactive players if needing room for more active members who would like in the Free Company.
- Remove players who are the rank "Unable to Retrieve".
2. Will be evaluated on how often the purge list is not up to date.
Promoting / Demoting Recruits, Members, Senior Members:
1. Responsibilities to promote or demote Recruits to Members, Members to Senior Members. Or demote if appropriate.
2. Promote Members to Senior members if they are:
- Active in Free Company chat
- Active in Discord
- If they are a longtime member to the guild and you always see them online.
3. Will be evaluated on how often members are needing to be promoted from Recruit to Member and Member to Senior Member.
Assigning/Updating Officer Roles/Promotions/Demotions for the Google Docs & Discord:
1. G-Docs:
- Responsibility to ensure New Trial Officers, Officers, Auxiliary Officers and Senior Officers, are properly assigned with their promotions/demotion dated in the google docs on the "Officer FC & Info" Tab.
- Responsibility to ensure New Trial Officers, Officers,Auxiliary Officers and Senior Officers, are properly assigned to their jobs in the google docs on the "Officer Duties" Tab.
2. Discord:
- Responsibility to make sure that all Trial Officers, Officers, Auxiliary Officers and Senior Officers, are properly assigned with Specific G Officer tag and each members Rank ( Trial Officers, Officers, Auxiliary Officers and Senior Officers) in Discord.
- Responsibility to change the tag and unassign Trial Officers, Officers, Auxiliary Officers and Senior Officers, who are no longer in the officer core back to a regular members of G.
1. Responsibilities to recruit new members to the free company and keep the Free Company Census up. Will be evaluated on how often the person recruits.
2. Requirement is 3 x weekly, if the person is a Senior Officer it would be base requirement +1 so 4 times weekly.
3. All recruitment will be done via Private Message ingame. Recruiters will NOT use shout or say. Please be able to differentiate between legit players and gil bots. Your goal as recruiter is to discover and invite potential active members, not to fill up the FC with Lv2 alts and bots. If you are a people person this may be the perfect job!
Website Admin:
1. Responsibility to ensure website is always up to date. Duties include:
- Maintaining current website,
- Updating FC, member, and officer information,
- Revising, and improving website as nessesary to make sure everything is easy to understand, easy to find, and overall aesthetically pleasing.
2. Prior experiences and knowledge of codes required.
These members will make sure that the FC is a smooth running, well oiled machine. They will further help enforce rules and changes in the Free Company, including day to day activity in the Free Companies and helping the Free Company members:
- Follow the rules of the Free Company & enforce the rules.
- Discord Chat is a requirement for all Officers in the core.
- May have Google Docs if appropriate.
- Help Relay Free Company Events through the Alliance Linkshells and into Free Company Chat for our members.
- Be approachable by the Free Company members. Be supportive.
- Do your chosen job to help the Free Company and strive at that.
- Do you best to help with these jobs that are everyone's responsibility to keep our Free Company running
- Chat in Free Company chat and engage the Free Company.
- Helping players out with duties and trials.
- Help answer questions if you know the answers.
- Be mindful of how you display yourself as an officer.
- Free Company recruitment, do your best!
-- Discord: Advertise Discord, and monitor chat and activity.
-- Responsible for Promoting New People in Discord to the proper titles (Officer Rank, Free Company, Guest, Raid Group, etc.
-- Responsible for changing new players names to their FFXIV In-Game Names.
-- Checking Activity Log daily when logging on, to see what has happened in the Free Company
-- Do your chosen (1) one Officer Job and (2) two Senior Officer Jobs to help the Free Company and strive at them.
--- While all Officers and above are required to enforce rules, screenshot situations, and post in their respective Officer chats on discord; Auxiliary and Senior officers are also able and required to discipline members by giving warnings and depending on the infraction/number of infractions place members in The Cabinet or kick from the FC or Discord.
--- These warnings should be given to the infracting individual as soon as possible so that they know what they did wrong and why we are speaking to them to attempt to curb the behavior prior to it getting worse. If a member continues to act out or become belligerant to the point where any Senior Officers cannot/ will not perform these duties, it may be terms for demotion.
Time Expectations:
- Senior Officers are required to log on at least four (4) times a week to perform their specific duties.
- Senior Officers who are not able to consistently log in four times weekly may be demoted.
- Some jobs may require players to log in 5 minutes a day to do these. If an auxiliary officer chooses one of these jobs they will be required to log in for a short amount of time daily or notify the officer core if they are unable to log in to do this job. This can be split up if multiple Senior Officers are assigned to one of these jobs.