Operations/Executive Officer Agreement
General Officer Guidelines
Please refer to the REGULATIONS & DUTIES FOR ALL OFFICERS. You will be expected to know and understand this.
1. Operations/Executive Officer Jobs
Operations/Executive Officers will need to choose (2) two Operations/Executive Officers jobs along with their (1) one Officer job to help the Free Company. The jobs are listed below:
Monitor the Aetherial Wheel and Make Sure a Buff is Always Cooking:
Responsibilities are to make sure there is always a Level 3 Buff Cooking in the Aetherial Wheel Stand. Also make sure to prime the wheels so we can use the Buff in our Free Company.
Will be evaluated on how often the Buffs sit in the Aetherial Wheel unprimed or how often the Aetherial Wheel Stand is empty.
Purging the Free Company Daily as appropriate:
Responsibilities to purge the Free Company daily.
Remove players ranks who have been offline for 21+ Days.
Remove players in the Free Company who have been offline for 90+ Days that are rank "On Leave".
Remove players who are the rank "Unable to Retrieve".
Remove inactive players if needing room for more active members who would like in the Free Company.
Will be evaluated on how often the purge list is not up to date.
Promoting / Demoting Recruits, Members, Senior Members:
Responsibilities to promote or demote Recruits to Members, Members to Senior Members. Or demote if appropriate.
Promote Recruits to Members if they have been in the Free Company for a few days to a week.
Promote Members to Senior members if they are:
Active in Free Company chat
Active in Discord
If they are a longtime member to the guild and you always see them online.
Will be evaluated on how often members are needing to be promoted from Recruit to Member and Member to Senior Member.
Assigning/Updating Officer Roles/Promotions/Demotions for the Google Docs & Discord:
Responsibility to ensure all officers including trial are properly assigned with their promotions/demotion dated in the google docs on the "Officer FC & Info" Tab.
Responsibility to ensure all officers including trial are properly assigned to their jobs in the google docs on the "Officer Duties" Tab.
Responsibility to make sure that all officers including trial are properly assigned with Specific G Officer tag and each members Rank ( Trial Officers, Officers, Auxiliary Officers, Operations Officers, and Executive Officers) in Discord
Responsibility to change the tag and unassign all officers including trial, who are no longer in the officer core back to a regular members of G.
Responsibility to recruit new members into guild. All recruitment will be done via Private Message ingame. Recruiters will NOT use shout or say. Please be able to differentiate between legit players and gil bots. Your goal as recruiter is to discover and invite potential active members, not to fill up the FC with Lv2 alts and bots. If you are a people person this may be the perfect job!
Website Admin:
Responsibility to ensure website is always up to date. Duties include maintaining, updating, revising, and improving website to make sure everything is easy to understand, info easy to find, and overall aesthetically pleasing. Prior experiences and knowledge of codes required.
2. Operations/Executive Officer Specific Duties
These members will help enforce rules and changes in the Free Company. They will help with the day to day activity in the Free Companies and helping the Free Company members:
Follow the rules of the Free Company & enforce the rules.
Where applicable, invite members seeking to join the Playstation Community Group
Discord Chat is a requirement for all Officers in the core.
Discord: Advertise Discord, and monitor chat and activity.
Responsible for Promoting New People in Discord to the proper titles (Officer Rank, Free Company, Guest, Raid Group, etc.
Responsible for changing new players names to their FFXIV In-Game Names.
Checking Activity Log daily when logging on, to see what has happened in the Free Company
Must have Google Docs Access.
Will need to help document for the Raffle.
Welcome to help keep the Google Docs jobs and ranks up to date.
Change members ranks to "On Leave" if requested, also move members from "On Leave" rank to Senior Member when they return to the game.
Help relay Free Company Events through the Alliance Linkshells and into Free Company Chat for our members.
Be approachable by the Free Company members. Be supportive!
Do your chosen (1) one Officer Job and (1) one Operations/Executive Officer Jobs to help the Free Company and strive at them.
Do you best to help with these jobs that are everyone's responsibility to keep our Free Company running:
Chat in Free Company chat and engage the Free Company.
Helping players out with duties and trials.
Help answer questions if you know the answers.
Be mindful of how you display yourself as an officer.
Free Company recruitment, do your best!
While all Officers and above are required to enforce rules, screenshot situations and post in their respective Officer chats on discord; Operations/Executive officers are also able and required to discipline members by giving warnings and depending on the infraction/number of infractions place members in The Cabinet or kick from the FC or Discord.
These warnings should be given to the infracting individual as soon as possible so that they know what they did wrong and why we are speaking to them to attempt to curb the behavior prior to it getting worse. If a member continues to act out or become belligerant to the point where the If any Operations/Executive Officer cannot/ will not perform these duties, it may be terms for demotion.
3. Time Expectations:
These are guidelines that we expect to be met in order to do the Operations/Executive Officer specific duty.
Operations/Executive Officers are required to log on at least four times a week to perform their specific duties.
Operations/Executive Officers who are not able to consistently log in four times weekly may be demoted.
Some jobs may require players to log in 5 minutes a day to do these. If a Operations/Executive officer chooses one of these jobs they will be required to log in for a short amount of time daily or notify the officer core if they are unable to log in to do this job. This can be split up if multiple Operations/Executive officers are assigned to one of these jobs.
4. Demotions
Operations/Executive Officers who go MIA for 2 weeks without notice will be demoted to a senior member.