Member Spotlight: Baidar Uyagir

What is your character(s) name(s)?

Baidar Uyagir


What rank in the FC are you in?

I am a Senior Officer in G4, shout out Sandy


How did you start playing FFXIV?

I first started playing FFXIV back in December of 2016. Normally I don’t join guilds or clans in MMO’s, but I also have never really stuck with an MMO for a long time. FFXIV was the first MMO that I really wanted to get into after trying several free ones on steam and Guild Wars 2.


When did you join G’?

After just starting to play, I got an invite from Nimbus about 20 minutes after making my first character. After joining I was hooked, and except for about a week where I transferred over to Ultos to help a friend start and FC, before I left because he was a dick. I came back and have been in g4 ever since.


What’s a typical day in FFXIV like for you?

Mostly when I can get on I check the Atherial Wheel and run my daily roulettes, I really enjoy level grinding thought, so I try to get as many character up to level 70 as possible.


What are some of the things you do for the FC?

Well this blog you are reading, I started it, I am an officer in G4 and have been shortly after its creation minus some time off here and there for school and work I have not stopped playing since. My FC officer jobs include keeping the Atherial wheel running, helping to come up with events for the FC members and being a generally friendly guy. OH! And pumping articles out like a machine.


What’s your favorite class?

Summoner, I have always been a sucker for pet classes and high dps numbers. Also, mages have the best glam. FIGHT ME.


Favorite dungeon/raid?

My favorite dungeon would probably have to be Ravana, that music is just so good.


Favorite NPC?



What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time on FFXIV?

I love grinding classes and speed running dungeons solo. That and talking to the lovely people of G4, come say hi.


Any tips for your FC mates?

Play more than one class, really it brings such a wonderful freshness to the game that can get often stale if you do the same rotation a thousand times a day. Also, if you want to be an officer, come on out everyone deservers a shot, you may even find out you like it.


Carbuncles or Moogles?

Does a moogle without a tongue count? because I can’t stand it when those little bastard cotton balls talk, but other than that I love them. I even played a Moogle in a Final Fantasy adaptation of the Dungeons and Dragons system. KUPO. Rest in Piece Montblac Koop, we never saw that hammer coming.


Godbert Mandeville great NPC or BEST NPC?



Best race?

Not potatoes that’s for sure. #FoodNotFirends


Any fun facts you want people to know about you?

I love Lovecraft, wrestling, 90’s rap, and I am working on getting a degree in Computer Science with a Writing minor, don’t ask to see my poetry it’s really bad…

ALSO, I am the macro king anyone in g4 can attest to that.

ALSO, I am totally being interviewed right now and not sitting in my dorm room typing this up when I should be doing homework.


What do you do outside of the FC?

I am a full-time student, I run Shadowrun and D&D 5e campaigns, I love writing especially for table top RPG’s.