Member Spotlight : Decepistar Meow

What is your character(s) name(s)?  

Deceptistar Meow


What rank in the FC are you in?  

Senior Officer in G1


How did you start playing FFXIV? 

I was already into FFXI when I first heard of XIV.  I had kept tabs on the game updates and started with back in 2010 with XIV 1.0 Alpha, Beta, Legacy to the current Stormblood now. My friends and I originally chose the now nonexistent Selbina server, which name changed to Ridill, then turned into the Legacy Excalibur server. Then we decided to move to Leviathan for a fresh new start and the curiosity of a non-Legacy server.


When did you join G’?

Just went to check on my old forums posts. Looks like I joined G1 Geuno in 2016 right after my move to Leviathan. Up until then, my 1.0 friends and I had stuck to our old servers. I remember I was harvesting in Memeroon’s Trading Post when I got an invite.


What’s a typical day in FFXIV like for you?

Log in, then check retainers and resend them on quests. Go to Gold Saucer to do the daily tic tac toe. Do daily Trials. Check FC list for purge members. Run my FC macro every few hours. Look at marketplace prices, and craft. And when I have time I do more dailies.


What are some of the things you do for the FC?

I feed them food. Some people call me ‘Grandma’. Please remember to eat the free G’ foods.


What’s your favorite class?

Currently WHM and RDM


Favorite dungeon/raid?

Anything that kills a lot of people other than myself. Watching people die in Titans, Menagerie’s, those Lv70 24-man cross server raids. Does it kill people? Am I used to it enough to stay alive and raise them? Then I like it.


Favorite NPC?

 Ser Aymeric, he hot.  :D


What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time on FFXIV?

Sort out my inventory and craft the left-over things to make room. Making new characters to re-level a class when I feel I get rusty on the basics. Buy more materials for crafting.


Any tips for your FC mates?

I know it may not be for everyone, but if you want to understand the game and how your class affects other classes, try to play and level all of them. There is a lot of learning to do and you will discover a lot of things about other classes and how some of them behave the way they do, despite it looking questionable at first as an outsider of said class. Slower leveling will also help you learn small tricks you’ll miss if you speed level.


Carbuncles or Moogles?

Moogles are more worth poking prodding and slapping around.


Godbert Mandeville great NPC or BEST NPC?

No he just a half nakkid macho dad D:


Best race?

Not sure if best race but I find the cat race aesthetically easier to make.


Any fun facts you want people to know about you?

I draw. I speak Japanese. I’ve finished all quests and side quests in the game except the Big fishing one so my map is clean.


What do you do outside of the FC?

Use to work in a Health department and now a Tourism department. I like games?  Oh, I like sleep. I sleep a lot, I love sleeping. And online manga.