Au Ra You Kidding: Looking at the Lack of Lore for FFXIV Most Interesting Race

We know very little about the Au Ra, what we do know is that they aren’t part dragon or voidsent and despite some different features are very similar to a Miqo’te or a Hyur.

The Au Ra has two major features that separate it from most other classes in the game. First, an Au Ra has scales along with its skin, a trait mostly of reptiles and other similarly cold-blooded animals. However, the Au Ra has other features that are not found in cold-blooded animals. Mainly hair, and well mammary glands, in this case, boobs, while we are talking sex appeal, wide hips which indicate the idea of giving birth to live young or at least not laying eggs.

On the other hand, Au Ra have other features that are very obviously different from the other races, mainly that horns, scales, and unlike the Miqo’te scaled tails. But what are the scales and horns for from what we can the game presents the horns are hollow and act much like human ear bones, picking up vibrations that resonate to make sounds. This is depicted through a small paragraph on the Heavensward page describing the race. The other think this mentions is the size difference between males and females. This is a trait noticeably common among insects, birds, and most cold-blooded animals.

Let’s look more in depth in the size difference, how does this compare to other races hyur has a difference of 4 inches is not that large. Elezen also has a difference of only 4 inches. Lalafell are the exact same high male or female, but we will get into those beasts in another article. Miqo’te are also 4 inches, and Roegaden is even less at 3 inches difference from male to female. The Au Ra however, the tallest male is 85 inches, the tallest female is only 62 inches. Making a whopping difference of 23 inches, just shy of under 2 feet.

Next, we come to the origin of the Au Ra, and it's two clans, the Raen and the Xaela. All that is known of their origin is that they are native to the far eastern continent of Othard, but it is not known whether they truly originated from this continent. The myth surrounding the creation of the Au Ra comes from the idea that they were all born from a Dawn Father and Dusk Mother being the race's origin. The Raen claiming to have descended from the Dawn Father, due to their white scales and the Xaela believe to have descended from the Dusk Mother, hence to their black scales. If this is the case do Au Ra produce asexually? Who did the Dusk mother and Dawn Father sleep with. If it was with each other then the two clans would have the same start. So why specify these two beings be separate?

This leads to even more discussion why are the two races of Au Ra so separate, each possessing very different characteristics of skin tone, and scale color. The Rean being light almost white, and the Xaela being almost black. Further distinct is the two races skin color tabs the Raen tab is mostly lighter almost human like colors with a few stand outs like brownish greens and a few darker blue greys. But the Xeala are very different with most skin colors being blues blacks and on the lighter end the skin is still a light shade of blue.

                Let’s dive a bit deeper and look at the entomology of names of the Au Ra thanks to an awesome post on the race naming conventions on the FFXIV forums by a player user named Gildrein (link to page at the bottom of the article). We find the names from the Raen come from Japanese mostly, different spellings for romanization are often seen. The names often have direct correlation to beauty in nature, along with surnames discussing tribes, or family’s history within them. The Japanese naming decision may have to do with the fact that the Raen stay in hidden in mountains, much like dragons and other similar Yo-kai in Japanese folklore and stories.

The Xaela however have names mostly derived from Mongolian ancestry. Interestingly this coincides with the ideas of the tribe, β€œUnlike their sister clan, the Raen, who lead solitary lives hidden behind the savage peaks of Othard's eastern reaches, the Xaela are free spirits who roam the vast western steppe in close-knit tribes hunting, gathering, and warring as their ancestors have for countless generations.” Much like the Mongol people who were nomadic and often barbaric the Xaela take their naming structure from the same languages.

So, in short, the Au Ra are far but a normal race, not even touched on are the Limbal rings available which surround their pupils, but honestly, I don’t have an explanation for them existing. Even into Stormblood, so little is known about this race. Perhaps in an upcoming expansion we can grow to learn more about these strange creatures.


FFXIV Lore: Aether and the Lifestream

  Hey there, everyone!  Dark here offering you the first of several entries regarding the lore and mythos of Final Fantasy 14. Whether you're a story buff like myself or you simply want to fill in some gaps that may not have made sense at first, this is the place for you! 

     Before we can delve into the story and history itself, we must first look at how the world of Hydaelyn maintains itself and those who walk its surface: The Lifestream. 

     Eorzea is one of several continents on the overall world of Hydaelyn, and it's known for its especially high concentration of aether, a physical representation of the Lifestream. Think of aether as energy or, for those who practice yoga or some eastern religions, your chakra or chi. Basically, when you are born, you are provided with a certain concentration of aether. Aetheric concentration determines most of what makes a being: life span, overall health and stamina, performance, and aptitude for the practice of magic. As you live, the amount of aether lessens, either through natural means, the corruption of the body when it comes in contact with crystals, or mortal wounds, which cause such a violent loss of aether that it manifests as crystals. If your aether is lost, you die, transferring your energy back to the Lifestream, where it is recycled and feeds the very planet itself.

     Now, since Eorzea is abundant with natural aether, its inhabitants have a firmer grasp on the practice of magics. Magic is simply the manipulation of aether by an individual to serve a specific purpose. To manipulate aether, one has to have an understanding of how aether works, its natural balance with the Lifestream, and how its different elemental aspects interact with each other. I'll cover that in another article, but for now, just know that if aether is manipulated in ways that go against the natural order of the Lifestream, it can have disastrous consequences. The biggest reference you'll come across in the game regarding misuse of magics occurred during the War of the Magi, when the Mhachi (practitioners of black arts) waged war against Amdapor (white magic), the culmination of which led to a world-wide flood that nearly wiped out all life on the planet. For centuries after, the practice of white and black magics was banned, for fear of repeating past mistakes. It eventually made a resurgence, however, when people began respecting magic and understanding its relationship to life and death itself, the most notable example being the relationship between Gridanians and the elementals of the Twelveswood. 

     It was also around this time that the Sharlayans, a group of nomadic scholars, discovered a means to travel through the Lifestream. Normally, any living being who encounters the Lifestream gets lost in the aetheric flow. Without their physical form, they eventually lose their sense of will and self, dissolving back into the fold. However, it was discovered that particularly large crystals formed where the Lifestream was close to the surface of the planet. Upon studying these mysterious crystals, the Sharlayans realized that they could manipulate them in order to allow a person to instantly pass from one waypoint to another through the Lifestream safely. By creating a sort of road between waypoints, a user could condense into their pure aether, crossing into the aetherial plane without losing their grip on the physical plane. This allowed them to retain their sense of will; thus, teleportation was born, and with it came further development and understanding of magic as we know it in the game today.  

And there you have it ^^ A quick rundown of the life force that makes up Hydaelyn. In a future article, I'll go more into detail regarding elements and crystals, but for now, happy gaming!

Written By

Darkmaelstrom Stewart

Learning to Gathering Past ARR

Catching Up After Returning in Stormblood Intro & Grand Company Turn-In’s:


So I recently returned to gathering in Stormblood. Last time I gathered hardcore was in ARR and I found it very boring and old. Returning to gathering, thankfully, I was already at level 60 for Botanist, Fisher, and Miner so I decided to move forward the way I had in Heavensward by doing Grand Company Turn-In’s. Grand Company Turn-In’s are great for a lot of experience quick and easy. Normally, Botanist and Miner turn-in’s are 10 items. Fisher turn-in’s are 1-4 fish. If you turn in HQ items, the EXP and Grand Company seals are doubled with HQ items.


These were introduced into the game in Heavensward and are a convenient way to level up and unlock gathering books. Gathering books are necessary for unlocking certain Gathering Nodes. There are books in Idylshire (Heavensward) and Rhalgr’s Reach (Stormblood). You will need to collect the specific collectibles on Rowena’s Collectible Log – this can be found in Idylshire and Rhagr’s Reach or the Timers Log in the menu. Make sure to turn your collectability on before gathering the items needed. In the Collectible Log, it will show you the minimum collectability required, and if collected with higher collectability you will gain more scripts and more exp.

  • Start with Impulsive Appraisal II
  • Then you will need to choose Instinctual Appraisal or Discerning Eye
  • Then Single Mind, Utmost Caution
  • Then end with Methodical Appraisal
  • Then restart the entire rotation – you will need to have at least 400 GP for this, I easily get 550 collectability with the Ironworks Level 60 HW Gathering Set without any melds and one HQ crafted weapon (level 60).

Custom Delivery:

These deliveries can only be turned in once weekly. They award gil, blue/yellow scripts, and exp. Up to 6 turn in’s weekly. Each week you will be able to level up – up to 5 times. Each time you will gain more exp, scripts, and exp (normally about 2000 scripts). You will need to turn in the required collectibles each week to both:

  • Zhloe Aliapoh in Idylshire (x 5.8, y 7.0)
  • M’naago in Rhalgr’s Reach (x 14.6, y 9.4) These small tips should help get you started for gathering in Stormblood and catching up if you are starting late.

Letter from the producer May 11th

Trailer for the Upcoming 4.3 patch

A new letter from the producers came out on May 11th 2018. This letter discussed the upcoming 4.3 patch which will be coming out on May 23rd 2018. For those of us who missed it (or didn’t want to get up at a ridiculously early time) here are some of the highlights of what is to come.

β€’    I can be you angel or your devil, new angel and devil costumes are up on mogstation for $18 each
β€’    Fan Fest 2019 dates and location, Feb 2-3 at the La Grande Halle de La Villette in Paris, France
β€’    There was an in-depth look at the new raids from the β€œReturn to Ivalice” installment, β€œThe Ridorana Lighthouse”
β€’    The FEAST PVP regional championships were announced, more details to come later
β€’    Color filtering for players who suffer from color vision deficiency (BLESS MY COLORBLIND BUTT YOSHI P.)
β€’    New instruments in the performance feature for Bards
β€’    It's time to start climbing! Venture into the new Deep Dungeon, Heaven-on-High
            o    Will be releasing with patch 4.35
            o    Heaven-on-High will feature magicite to call forth primals that will defeat all enemies on the floor. There are also going to be helpful NPCs that will support you during the climb.
β€’    The new Namazu beast tribe settlement and mount reward. (THE MOUNT IS AMAZING)
β€’    Several Job adjustments:
            o    Dark Knight
            o    Monk
            o    Ninja
            o    Samurai
            o    Black Mage
            o    Scholar
            o    Astrologian
β€’    Eureka: Pagos
            o    Will releases on patch 4.36
β€’    And the most important NEW HILDIBRAND QUESTS!!!
            o    Sadly not until 4.35 πŸ™
Here is a link to the livestream if you missed it


Member Spotlight: Baidar Uyagir

What is your character(s) name(s)?

Baidar Uyagir


What rank in the FC are you in?

I am a Senior Officer in G4, shout out Sandy


How did you start playing FFXIV?

I first started playing FFXIV back in December of 2016. Normally I don’t join guilds or clans in MMO’s, but I also have never really stuck with an MMO for a long time. FFXIV was the first MMO that I really wanted to get into after trying several free ones on steam and Guild Wars 2.


When did you join G’?

After just starting to play, I got an invite from Nimbus about 20 minutes after making my first character. After joining I was hooked, and except for about a week where I transferred over to Ultos to help a friend start and FC, before I left because he was a dick. I came back and have been in g4 ever since.


What’s a typical day in FFXIV like for you?

Mostly when I can get on I check the Atherial Wheel and run my daily roulettes, I really enjoy level grinding thought, so I try to get as many character up to level 70 as possible.


What are some of the things you do for the FC?

Well this blog you are reading, I started it, I am an officer in G4 and have been shortly after its creation minus some time off here and there for school and work I have not stopped playing since. My FC officer jobs include keeping the Atherial wheel running, helping to come up with events for the FC members and being a generally friendly guy. OH! And pumping articles out like a machine.


What’s your favorite class?

Summoner, I have always been a sucker for pet classes and high dps numbers. Also, mages have the best glam. FIGHT ME.


Favorite dungeon/raid?

My favorite dungeon would probably have to be Ravana, that music is just so good.


Favorite NPC?



What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time on FFXIV?

I love grinding classes and speed running dungeons solo. That and talking to the lovely people of G4, come say hi.


Any tips for your FC mates?

Play more than one class, really it brings such a wonderful freshness to the game that can get often stale if you do the same rotation a thousand times a day. Also, if you want to be an officer, come on out everyone deservers a shot, you may even find out you like it.


Carbuncles or Moogles?

Does a moogle without a tongue count? because I can’t stand it when those little bastard cotton balls talk, but other than that I love them. I even played a Moogle in a Final Fantasy adaptation of the Dungeons and Dragons system. KUPO. Rest in Piece Montblac Koop, we never saw that hammer coming.


Godbert Mandeville great NPC or BEST NPC?



Best race?

Not potatoes that’s for sure. #FoodNotFirends


Any fun facts you want people to know about you?

I love Lovecraft, wrestling, 90’s rap, and I am working on getting a degree in Computer Science with a Writing minor, don’t ask to see my poetry it’s really bad…

ALSO, I am the macro king anyone in g4 can attest to that.

ALSO, I am totally being interviewed right now and not sitting in my dorm room typing this up when I should be doing homework.


What do you do outside of the FC?

I am a full-time student, I run Shadowrun and D&D 5e campaigns, I love writing especially for table top RPG’s.